Donut (Ginjirotchi) is the first tama I’ve raised in YEARS. I’m keeping him alive in my Tamagotchi Pix Party for as long as I can! *Comments Welcome*


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OMG Donut is adorable! my Tamagotchi Pix is 110 and she also has a food themed name and wants to be a chef her name is Burger. I think Burger and Donut would be friends <3
Hello! Happy Thanksgiving! I have recently started running my Tamagotchi Pix Party device again so I could care for Donut again. I wound up taking a break of 4+ months.

First of all, I noticed that my device runs much better after taking this extended break. Now, I am able to collect coins from games and cooking without the device restarting. So, if your Pix or Pix Party is acting up, try taking a break and letting the device rest for a bit.

I’m super grateful to have Donut in my life again! After I booted him up and put his silicone case, he asked to be pet for like 10 minutes straight. I missed him, and having him around again is such a delight.IMG_1009.jpeg
Hi there, I have Tama Lovelithchi. She’s so sweet. Let’s be have a party !
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Hey! Thank you for sending me your QR code so Donut can be friends with your tama! I just partied with your Lovelitchi, and it was a cute time! My device kept restarting, but here’s the most complete party we were able to have:

First, Lovelitchi met Donut. It was instant friendship!


Then, other tama friends came through.


We all enjoyed fruit together. Donut gave Lovelitchi the first helping of fruit. Then much joy was had as all of the tamagotchis had fruit to eat.


After that, we played The Gift Game. I gave up Donut’s guitar and received an Oyajitchi plush. What a win!


Then my device restarted itself and the party was over. Oh well! It was nice meeting your Lovelitchi either way. Thank you for partying with Donut!
Hey! Donut is a bunny at the moment:


I had such a scare last night. At one point, I think I accidentally pressed something because the screen suddenly said to press down all 3 buttons at once. I freaked out and tried to google what to do. Fortunately, the device randomly reset itself twice, which brought me back to Donut and his room again. I was sooooooo scared I was gonna lose him! I just appreciate knowing that he’s safe and comfy in his device when I’m not using him. I want to keep Donut alive on this device for as long as possible. ^_^

Thank you all for the tama love you’ve shown to Donut and I. <3
OMG Donut is adorable! my Tamagotchi Pix is 110 and she also has a food themed name and wants to be a chef her name is Burger. I think Burger and Donut would be friends <3

I’m so sorry - I thought I responded to this. I bet our tamas would hit it off great! If you send me a code for a meetup or a party, I will try to take a picture and report back to you. ^_^
i had a party, all the tamas seemed tohave a great time, here is a party with violetchi and some party photos!!!!
Photo on 2025-02-04 at 2.07 PM.jpgPhoto on 2025-02-04 at 2.09 PM #2.jpgPhoto on 2025-02-04 at 2.07 PM #3.jpgPhoto on 2025-02-04 at 2.05 PM #2.jpg

- 🥑
That is an adorable ginjorotchi! I love seeing donut's silly little exploits but also i did not know you could keep a tama for this long! Ive been off and on about tamagotchis so im not as familiar with the newer tamas so I guess Tamagotchi Pix cant "die" of old age/leave to home planet after a certain amount of time?
That is an adorable ginjorotchi! I love seeing donut's silly little exploits but also i did not know you could keep a tama for this long! Ive been off and on about tamagotchis so im not as familiar with the newer tamas so I guess Tamagotchi Pix cant "die" of old age/leave to home planet after a certain amount of time?
on the modern ones, usually theyll ask to leave for the home planet every once in a while, but you can say no and keep them as long as you want!

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