Does anybody one here play Pokemon Diamond or Pearl? If you do, would you like to exchange friend codes? If we do, we can go on the Pokemon Wifi Club and battle each other! Go on your Pal Pad on the Pokemon game that you have, and register a friend code. Once you have, if you go on the Pokemon Wifi Club(go to the bottom floor of a Pokemon Center) and if you are on at the same time as one of your registered friends, you can battle them.
My friend code is:
3651 9411 0708
I'll be on the Pokemon Wifi Club at 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM(British time zone, about 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM in the Eastern US) everyday. Well, I'll try to be on at that time everyday. Post your friend code(check your Pal Pad) and I'll register you.
My friend code is:
3651 9411 0708
I'll be on the Pokemon Wifi Club at 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM(British time zone, about 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM in the Eastern US) everyday. Well, I'll try to be on at that time everyday. Post your friend code(check your Pal Pad) and I'll register you.