Does anyone have their own music band.


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I don't have a band. I wouldn't consider that I sing good, but I play good on the electric guitar.


Ha, me and my fiend have a 'band' called Pat.

We just like to beat on things at school.


My friend and I wanna start a band, we're thinking of names and people who could be drummer, guitar and vocals, but we have one problem, both of us wanna be bass. X.x Problems there, but I said "We can.. Uhh.. Both be bass?" I don't know if that is possible, 2 bass in one band, does anyone know?

Anyway, I try and write my own lyrics, they're not "too" bad but I dunno, if you want a real opinion on then, ask the people that read them if anyone ever has.

Oh goodness, bands. I've been in a few, but they all flopped.

I played bass guitar with a friend in a band, but we never got anywhere because this guy was such a control freak. We couldn't get anything done because he wanted it his way and no one else did, but he figured he had superiority as the "bestestest l34d guitarist."

I was also in a funk band that I played saxophone in, and we played a gig or two until our lead singer got picked up for possession of some ... illegal substances. He got released but he wasn't allowed to do anything with us after that. We tried to revive it but with no singer it was kinda lame.

I play in the jazz combo at my school, too, but since I'm just a freshman I'm in the second combo. The first combo actually tours during spring break, so I'm aspiring to get into that one. :marumimitchi:

im not that good of thinking up tunes or lyrics or anything. i prefer listening to everyone elses songs ^____^

ive never been in any bands because i play the flute. who goes into a band playing a flute?

im not that good of thinking up tunes or lyrics or anything. i prefer listening to everyone elses songs ^____^ive never been in any bands because i play the flute. who goes into a band playing a flute?
Jethro Tull?

Does anyone have a personal website,or homepage?I do,Its in my signature.Even If your famous,you don't need a page.I just do cuz I just want to attract band members.

I write lyrics, it's more of poems with "Chorous" and "Verse 1" written in them because I can never think of a tune.

It's also just about like, problems and stuff like that. It's a way to get my anger out without going bizerk.

I have a band!! It is called "Never ending". I play Guitar and Sing!! There are 3 other people in my band!! They r my friends!! We sound awseome!!

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