Does anybody here have a boyfriend/girlfriend?


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Nope, not at the moment.

I tried a couple times, and well they ended up bad.

I would love to have a boyfriend right now though, but no one really likes me, I don't really like anyone, and if I did, I would be too shy to ask.

Honestly, I think I can survive without a boyfriend for a little while longer.

Ok, I'll admit it. I used to. And I still get asked sometimes.But then I decided that relationships weren't for me, at least until I get a little bit older. :puroperatchi:

At the young, tender age of 12, who needs the stress of having a boyfriend?
Agree. It's better to wait when you're ready. ^^

No, I'm only 10 why would a 10 year old need a boyfriend?!
I'm 8 and I have a girlfriend. :D Age doesn't matter. Her name is Sommer

I do. Well, sort of. His name is James, and he can make me harder and longer than anyone I've ever met. We're not officially boyfriend/girlfriend, but I like him and I'm pretty sure he likes me.

We're having a bit of trouble at the moment though. He's not really paying much attention to me, and I'm afraid he might have lost interest. I'm going to experiment and try and ignore him next week, to see if he'll come around.

See, because I laugh so much when I'm around him, and he enjoys entertaining me, we like to hang around each other. If no one's there to laugh at his jokes, he'll probably start to feel lonely. But also, I just got a great haircut and my ears pierced, so I think if I ignore him, he might start thinking, "ok, I'm missing out here, I better get her attention back." I don't know whether it will work, but if it doesn't, I know how to get his attention back.

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Believe it or not, I was accually almost going to consider cheating on him! :mimitchi: Im so glad Connot said no. If he had said yes, I'd be cheating on the nicest guy I've ever met. I can't believe I'd even ask him out. I was just... obsessed with Connor. After I thought about it and felt guilty, I told Chris. He says he's used to people cheating on him, but he is glad Connor said no. I feel really bad about that. 

Chris is obviously not that great then, if you'd even imagine cheating on him. I would never do that to my boyfriend, or anyone. I don't understand how you became obsessed with someone whilst having a boyfriend, you should of been happy with him.

I've been with my boyfriend over 2 years now :huh: .

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