Doctor Examinations


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Ehhhhhh, their ok. At my doctors, they stop doing that when your twelve. By then you are supposed to be able to determine if anything bad is going on. We are taught to reconize(sp?) any signs of stds and infections and such. It's really bad for the guys, I've heard, cause they have to lift up the "thingy" to see underneath it. What's even worse for them is that the doctor is a girl at my clinic. My #1 fear, though, is SHOTS. I have to get six or something now that I'm twelve before I'm sixteen. Their mostly std protection stuff cause they all expect me to "do it" around that time.

Well, I don't get embarressed that much, because I have a girl doctor, (yes, I'm a girl). Although, I will admitt they are awkward. :mametchi: However, one time I had to get my check-up or physical, whatever you want to call it from a guy doctor, because my orignal doctor was out, now that was embaressing, and awkward! :gozarutchi: :gozarutchi:

When I went to the hospital I had a female doctor and a male nurse.

The nurse gave me the little dress thingy and told me to strip to my underwear and put the dress on. Then he left the room when I did it and only came back in when I was under the dress thingy.

I only panicked when I got my blood test and a drip. I hyperventilated worse than when I got the cervical cancer needle at school. O_O

Luckily nothing was wrong. =D

Whenever you get gardisil or cervics or whatever do they give you the shot actually "down there?!" or in your breasts??

Also, I have had a male doc since 4ever but the most personal it's ever gotton was sliding my pants(or skirt or whatever i was wearing at the time) a little lower.I m not exaclty sure if they even have a woman doc at my family doctor's.

And you had to get a cervical cancer prevention shot at school?! ;)

I don't mind shots at all. In Grove, I had to take about four bloodtests within the same half hour, actually.

I really don't mind check-ups either.

What I do mind is going in to the doctor for anything else.

After three cups of barium for a stomach x-ray, I absolutely hate going in to the doctor for anything that involves that or a broken bone.

I think they can be awkward, but doctors obviously know what they're doing.

Ummm...well I was sorta "developing" in my chest area. If you know what I mean. My mom couldnt tell what was wrong so we went to the doctor and he had to check my chest and ugh. It was really weird....but hes been my doctor since I was a baby. And yea. I dont think he's checked "down there" yet. I havent been to a checkup for a while now... so i guess i have to go to one soon.....*shudders* Crap. I bet I have to get checked "everywhere" now. I'm totally dreading this.

So much fun.


I don't go to the doctor often but when I do I hate it. -_- But there is nothing I can do about it, so might as well get it over with.


But my doctor is really nice and I have had her since birth.

Whenever you get gardisil or cervics or whatever do they give you the shot actually "down there?!" or in your breasts??
Also, I have had a male doc since 4ever but the most personal it's ever gotton was sliding my pants(or skirt or whatever i was wearing at the time) a little lower.I m not exaclty sure if they even have a woman doc at my family doctor's.

And you had to get a cervical cancer prevention shot at school?! -_-
You get the guardasil shot in your arm o.o;

Where did you hear the other two options?

I only have to get checked for scoliocis. That's pretty much it with the know. And the rest is just a regular checkup. I don't care about shots anymore. I had 3 yesterday, and I didn't really panic.

-Temari Nara

[SIZE=7pt]I would not ever feel comfortable with this. by the looks of it.[/SIZE]My Doctor is a MAN.

I'm never comfortable just bare.

If I ever have to do this, I would honestly refuse.

Sure, they have to check for problems.

I understand that.

I would not be willing to strip down for my family doctor.

How embarrasing!

I would be stuck with what to do.

And it's called a physical sometimes.

I feel gross if I'm exposed. I never had to be exposed in front of doctor. But if I have to. I'll totally refuse. Good thing I have a Female doctor.

I've never had to strip infront of a doctor, but whenever I go for my yearly check up, my doctor has to put his hands down my pants. It's incredibly awkward. He doesn't 'feel around,' or anything, thank God, but it still bothers me.

Are you kidding me? I can't even undress infront of my own mother. it makes me feel so uncomfortable having someone touch you in inappropiate places just to make sure your health is insured. I think I'd rather pass on the doctor than go through that ;x;


Sorry.. I just really hate stripping down infront of people. Plus, I don't even know if my doctor is a boy or a girl. And after my friend told me about what the guy doctor who came to our school to do check-ups, I felt uncomfortable.


Matt: Ew. Ew. Ew.

Everyone: What happened!?

Matt: -whispers- The doctor made me take my clothes off.


Never. Again.

Are you kidding me? I can't even undress infront of my own mother. it makes me feel so uncomfortable having someone touch you in inappropiate places just to make sure your health is insured. I think I'd rather pass on the doctor than go through that ;x; 

Sorry.. I just really hate stripping down infront of people. Plus, I don't even know if my doctor is a boy or a girl. And after my friend told me about what the guy doctor who came to our school to do check-ups, I felt uncomfortable.


Matt: Ew. Ew. Ew.

Everyone: What happened!?

Matt: -whispers- The doctor made me take my clothes off.


Never. Again.
ditto. Thats me.

Whenever you get gardisil or cervics or whatever do they give you the shot actually "down there?!" or in your breasts??
Also, I have had a male doc since 4ever but the most personal it's ever gotton was sliding my pants(or skirt or whatever i was wearing at the time) a little lower.I m not exaclty sure if they even have a woman doc at my family doctor's.

And you had to get a cervical cancer prevention shot at school?! :eek:
No, they do it in your arm! =D Silly~ If you have it in your breast omg that would HURT. And even worse down there..x_x

It's sooooo embarrassing!! I'd rather stay like that!

I only had to strip down when I was 3 in front of a female doctor because of urinating problem.....

I've been hearing alot about shots and just one bloodtest. But I don't mind shots. I had to take a series of vaccine shots this is my last one. ANd I did have my blood test. It didn't really hurt. The nuse that gave me the blood test said,"Wow normaly kids your age kick and scream." And then I found out I had just a slight bit of high calesterol.(I don't know how to spell it.) It was just 2 points above avrage.(Thank god it wasn't higher!) So then I made it go down. But there gonna have to take another blood test my mom says. I hate that but I should just get on witth it. But I hate doctor checkups cuz my doctor always says: blah blah overweigh blah blah blah exsersiseblah blah. I am A little overweight but I can't lose it! :) Its hard. And exsersiseing doesn't work. I have been eating junk food. Its my weakness. And I can't stop. I don't know when my next check-up is but I don't like them. Atleast I never had to strip in fron't of my doctor. Thank god she's a nice female doctor. But if I had to strip I would refuse and run away. Man my hands hurt!

[SIZE=12pt]I've never had to . . but I would be really freaked out, I would probably just close my eyes.[/SIZE]

Once when I was little I sat on a statue and ripped "down there" open. I had to have a male doctor like look at it for awhile the next day 0.o

I only remember laying on the bench thing and him touching/looking at it. . .


Hehe. All of my family's doctors are really hard to understand because they have strong Indian accents. It does get annoying sometimes, but I love Indian accents!

Anyway, I am very uncomfortable at check-ups. Never had to strip, but someday I will have to.

Who cares if its a little embarassment- you gotta do what you gotta do. ^_^

I think docters are creepy.I started developing now and i am so , sooo glad i got to keep my clothes on when i went to the docter yesterday.It was very uncomfortable because where i go to get my checkup they only have one docter and hes a boy:(.

My appointment wasn't as uncomfy as i thought it would be but it was a bit uncomfy when i had to talk to him abot my "woman problems" (girls you will know what i mean) Plus i am very scared of needles and i was scared of getting A shot.I did not get A shot i got four!! My arms are still really sore

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