Do your feelings get hurt easliy?


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:wacko: I dunno, hardly anyone has hurted my feelings really hard. So far what I know is that my feelings isn't hurted that easily. If someone insulted me by how the way I looked...I would say something, turn around, and walk away. Usaully my siblings would say that I am fat. I don't get insulted by this...cus'...well, I have reasons not to. When an aunt died I didn't cry, I felt bad but I didn't cry. I don't cry or scream. I dunno why. :(
No, not really. I get anrgy, frustrated, and aggravated easily, though...

Sometimes. If I'm in school, I can usually control my emotions until I get home, though. But, it's easy to tell when I'm feeling upset- I won't talk to anyone, and if anyone talks to me, I just tell them to shut up.

I get angry easily, though. I curse to get rid of my anger. xDD

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yea pretty mutch. this immuture dude in my class calles me names...hopefull in 6th grade ill just ignore him. i cry a lot....

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