I still have my first one.. but I remember how I got it like it was yesterday.
Summertime.. early in the morning, my older sister (cutiepuppy10), and our friend in our neighborhood got driven down to the store by my mom.. There was a huge wall of V3s. We were all so young and hyper because there were so many different shell types to pick from. I saw a sort of magenta-colored one way up high. I asked my mom to reach it for me so I could see it closer. It was magenta with a lavender border around the screen. There were pink hearts with white wings and gold halos. Yellow buttons. And of course the hot pink TaMaGoTcHi connection at the top. My friend picked a sky blue one with tropical flowers. My sister picked an orange and red one with flowers.
Later: About four days after my friend got the tamagotchi, she sold it to her older brother. She claims he 'mind-washed' her and forced her to sell it to him. I was so mad at her- I didn't talk to her for days. I still don't forgive her. I am going to get her a new tamagotchi for her birthday, I hope, though, with a special case and cool necklace & charm so her brother can't get to it. (hehheeeehhee)
Probably after more than a year or so, my sister's A button popped out. She tried poking at it inside with a pointy pencil or screwdriver. But it didn't work. It was broken. Broken, broken, broken. Sometimes that makes me cry.. I have the last surviving tamagotchi of that day. The tamagotchi connection wors are so much scratched down that it looks more like Ta COtghi GCMnECT on. Most of the heart-angels are scratched. One is disspaearing completly.. My A button is chipping a tiny bit at the side. I am thinking of wrapping clear packing tape around everywhere except for the reset button, connecting stub, buttons, and around the battery case lid.
The day we bought them, we stayed at my friend's house. We hatched the eggs together.. then they turned into toddlers at the same time! Mine was the only one out of three that turned out a pointy-head dude. The other two girls had squarish guys. We all had girls. My friend named her's something like Emily, my sister said she named her's Daisy, and I remember my girl's name so well. Angel.
It makes me sad yet happy to think of that day. We were all so joyful that we were going to get our tamagotchis.. now two are down.. and mine is the last one left.
(oh my gosh- this is long. sorry... but its just how I remember it)
That's quite sad

I have a V3 a V4 and a V6 music star [who does choreography, dancing in other words] My first tamagotchi was the V3. its shell was a trasparent blue with letters on it as well. All of it was blue even the inner pattern although i have to also say.. It had yellow buttons.
As it hatched my sister [tama Ash. Also she already had tamas] told me that it was a girl. I wanted anya for its name but I went a bit mad and I don't know what I did . Basically, it ended up being called A. Yeah, honestly the little girl called A.LOL!
I loved her I never knew a better toy than the tamagotchi. She grew for a long time and suddenly my sister said "what generation are you?" I was STILL on G1. It was an oldie because for years [metaphorically speaking..]the matchmaker never came and never did but of course I did not know about the matchmaker. I got a V4 and he was 17 and she was 18. He was an old one too and honesly I am silly he was a man called Ellie. Then I was on the next generation.
That was my first tamagotchi. Don't you think I am a little mad with those things?I am much better now you would be glad to hear. Actually, i don't think i was that bad because it was only the names.. I still have that tama. At the moment the girl is called Annie.
Cupcake Ciara