Do you remember your first tama?


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I remember my first Tamagotchi! It was a first-generation, original Tamagotchi, and I got it as a present when I was seven years old. It was during the summer vacation and my mother and father had to go be maid of honour and best man at a family friend's wedding. Unfortunately, the wedding took place in a hick town that was at least a 5-hour drive away, and they wanted to get me something to pass the time in the car. I became so attached to the little thing, and the rest is history. I have about 15 Tamas now...

Yeppers. I got my first Tama from my BFF for Christmas last year. It was her old one. I only just started liking them again. It was, and is, a fully functioning v3. And the first Tama I had was named Bob, who was a Kutchipatchi. I can't believe I still remember that.

[SIZE=7pt]I remember my first was a little purple V1 several years ago. My friend had one and I got so hooked on it I had to have one.[/SIZE]


I named it Bobo and he turned into a Mametchi. :kuribotchi: He was one of my favorites. I still have this tama working perfectly, just needs new batteries.

yes i remember quite clearly, i got my first tamagotchi on my 10th birthday it was a ver3 and it was purple and white, i had no idea what to do with it and it did die a few times but evntually i got the hang of it.


Then that christmas i got my first ver4 it was a white one with pink dots, but this time i had more experience so i knew what to do with it and how to take care of it and all that. and i started going on the internet to find charts and things for my tamas.


In 2007 my friend introduced me to this siet TAMATALK and she told me to join, and i was hooked!, then i also found out about tamatown and tamazone and now im hooked to those sites too!! :)


That was more than i was suppose to put but oh well just wanted to tell someone about it!!



Of course I do! I would never forget him!

I had watched my friend play with his v2 for awile and I asked him what it was. He awsnered; "A Tamagotchi." I wanted one so badly. I asked my mom to get me one. She said; "I'll see."

The day before my b-day, my grandma took me to Zellers and let me choose a V3. I chose the blue camo. It was the first wave one. The second we got home I ripped it open (not literly) and pulled put the tab. Set the date, blah, blah, blah. Then it hatched, it was a boy. I named him Aslan. He evolved into a Mametchi. My Tamagotchis never died. I have a clean record on that! He was an awsome Tamagotchi! I miss him! :...(

My first tama was the V1.I remeber my mom bought it for mw when i was in kindergarten.But for some reason i cant find it ;)

I started off with non Bandai pet games... It was a puppy.. and it died on the 29th day... T_T

My first Bandai one was the Angel one. :(

My first one was when I was 4. It was my moms, andit was a v1. I remember coming home one day and there was poop all over the screen. it went home one day and my mom threw it away.

Yeah way back when I was a kid when they first came out I wanted one but my family was so poor when I was little that it was like the only thing I got that year for Christmas besides socks, underwear and books. I was so excited because my Dad tracked down the exact one I wanted too it was the original leopard print one. He called every toy store in my area looking for the leopard one, and he couldn't find it. But my parents took me to see my Grandparents and he found the one I wanted out of town for more then he should've paid. I think he said he got it for like $20. But when my parents divorced I moved in with my dad and some girl stole my Tamagotchi and I wasn't able to get another one til the version 1 came out because that's how poor we were back then. I think that's why I still like them even at 22 because I can buy them myself now, I have the TMGC+C now but everytime I get Kuchipatchi I remember my first Tamagotchi because that was the only character I ever got on the Original Tamagotchi. Haha

:angry: Yeah... I remember when I got MY first Tamagotchi. I use my first one since it's my fave, and it's a v4.5. I got it when I was like 9, And it has Fall leaves on it.My tamagotchi is a boy, and it's an adult. His name is Ryan ;)
i got my first one at a market and i remember it was pink and i think it was a v3 but i dont remember because when its batterys ran out we threw it out:( (wasnt me) then i got my current one then those batterys ran out and i didnt play it for ages but 3 days ago we got new batterys yay:) so i've been playing it for 2 days hahaha

The V1. I remeber its shiny membrane. Now it's battered and scarred but still can function, if it had a battery.

A black and orange P2, I think I was 11 at the time or maybe 12. Anyway I always killed the poor tamagotchi off. D: I wasn't to good of a caretaker, I ended up asking my mother to babysit it. xD She wasn't really any better then I was. Recently though I forgot a tamagotchi home and she took care of it to make it stop yelling(beeping) at her. I found this amusing seeing as she hates them.

I remember. I was in second grade and in a sewing class. Everyone had a Tamagotchi there and I wanted one really badly. I begged my mom and she bought one for me. It was (a V1) pink, clear and glittery. It came with a sticker pack, which I used to spell out my name. I also twisted the chain so much it came off. Then I got about 7 more V1s. I was officially addicted. :)

its a v3 and its on my dresser (right next to my sisters v4.5 and my music star)

only one has died on my v3,and the other one is flying around the screen or whatever they do.

When the v1 came out all the girl had them and boys too! My brother wanted to get a toy (haki sack or something like that) When we were in the store i saw some tamagotchi and i asked my parents to buy me one. It was a white v1 *w*

Sure I do1 It was a v1 I got for christmas when they were still new. =3 Aahh, 2004... Good times.

First I didn't know what it was, and I was like "I'll check it later, first I wanna play with my other presents". XDD These days, if I get a Tama, I would NEVER say that! Lol!
