Well-known member
I'm going to have to agree there...And Drums are 1000x more hardcore than Saxophones.
Sax's sound weird Dx
I'm going to have to agree there...And Drums are 1000x more hardcore than Saxophones.
Welcome to my world DxI play the piano. I hate it. I never practice. My mom quit trying to get me to practice. I'm to stuburn.
Cinderpelt- I'm in Chorus. I guess it OK. There is to many people in it, though, so my chorus teacher spends the whole time waiting for us to quiet down, and hardly get to sing. We sing normal songs, no rock, (I wish we did. Ha, its funny to imagine us singing "Holiday" by Green Day!) just normal songs like "Festival of Lights".
Congrats, if you read this far, which must people don't, you get a gold star sticker!XD