Oh, and for all you who are talking Chorus... :]
It was available to start taking Chorus in 5th grade. So I took it in 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th. In 8th, I was part of Encore - the elite select choir. It was Encore's first year, and I was honored to be a part of it.
I tried out for Honors Choir in high school, but I didn't get in. I got really nervous when I tried out, and my voice cracked. D:
Even though I'm in average/remedial choir this year, my teacher still really seems to like me. :] My scores are high enough to be in Ensemble (aka Honors Choir) and she said I'm her best alto, and that she can count on me to know the harmony parts and sing them out.
During Christmas time, there were solo tryouts. I FAIL at singing in front of people alone. I start shaking, hyperventalating, and crying. So obviously I didn't go up to the front of the class to try out. But after all the solos were through, my teacher was all like, "Katie, why didn't you try out? You can do it." And everyone started chanting my name. D: So I went up and tried. After I sang the first word of the song, my voice cracked and I started crying. It's so frustrating. I dream at home about singing in front of people. I love to sing. I'm not that great at it, but I have a passion for it. And I wanted more than anything to give it a shot. My teacher wanted me to try again, but I told her I couldn't, and she understood. She told me she wants me to work on it though, so I can audition for a solo again in the spring.
I'm getting better at it. I sing about every day in my bedroom. I can sing and play my guitar at the same time. I really want to get good at that. I practice everyday.
And my chorus teacher told me I'm going to be in Ensemble next year. :]