Awww Ksenia ;_;;OhMaGawd. Huntr, I blab on and on about Obama with my friendies. I have a ''bond'' with him, lol. But I'm already your frog rug, plus Maria came here first, loliooo.
My phone needs a name. And Michelle the camera broke. So when I get a new one, I'll name it Michelle II.
Can I be the pink? You may call it tee hee, Bethiee, Beth, Bethany or whatever you wantWho wants to be my Necklaces?
One Pink, and One yellow [so, One for each]
I <3 those Necklaces. I wear them quite often, I Bought them Last wednesday.
I still have some stuff to be nameeeed! =]PICCEHS!
Guess Wallet
Shiny Dress
Frog thing, lid comes off so I can put stuff inside
Penguin thing, opens up
Dolce Sunglasses --> .tee.hee...x
Ipod, with the case I always have on it
Twilight poster, bad picture. but Laurent is there too --> Huntr
Bouncy Ball Collection --> Mazeay
Awesome Lego car with helicoper on top
Beads, bad picture
Claim Away!