Well-known member
Saxophone Weiwei pleaaase!
Hell yusss.Wonna be my strawberry flavoured mini wheats? xDD
Sure.I would like to be the remote control, Britt. It's so awesome-like :].And Skadi, could I please be the connies (converses)? I like drawn on shoes 8D.
Skadiiii. You are my fat rat that I see whenever I go to bed.
UpdateI should so be the fat rat. xDD
I made a 3rd character in AC:WW and named it after you. xD
Tuba Bag: ____________ (It might be named something else so hurry? xD)*
Make-up Bag (Green w/ Cupcakes on it.): Feebee 8D
iPod (Purple): Roxygirl
Converse (Pink, and drawn all over.): Ksenia
Purse (Blue with black records.):
Wallet (White w/ music notes on it.):
DS Lite (Pink w/ a white iPod Apple symbol.):
Sunglasses (White with black paint spaltter.) :
Tuba Mouthpiece (Silver and big. ._.) :
Trombone/Baritone Mouthpiece:
* I named it Evil Fat a**. xDDDD
I claim them!!!!!!!!!!My irish dance shoes need to be named!