Do you name your stuff after your TT friends?


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Weiwei- I'll be your computer mouse! It's light blue D:

This topic is so fun. XD

Your tooth shall be called Cae =]

And I took pictures of my stuff yesterday to be named,

I'll post pictures.. later?

I have a dress, Spi-dog, ipod, little penguin thing, Frog thing, earrings, bouncy ball collection, 3-D twilight poster... and thats all i can think of, PM me or post here =]

Yes. But not physical objects. I don't have a lot of those, so I name them after more valuable things. Well, more valuable to me.

My book charactors.

Except I have a moose named Vivienne, because she mailed it to me for my birthday, and it is now one of my most prized possesion that goes alone with my phone and my FOB concert shirt that Gabe Saporta signed.


But I've been writing a short story about a very young girl named Vivienne, I'm writing [another] story in the form of a poem about three girls named Diva, Alison, and Kelsey, I wrote a short story about a girl named Emma... So on and so forth. Butyeah. When I get a bit older and I start sending my work off to publishers or whatever, I plan to recycle names of peple that have had a big impact on me. So, currently my most popular names, in no specific order are:


Diva, or Fain, which is a derivative that's hard to explain,

Kelsey, of course,

Vivienne, naturally,

Emma, [i've always love that name, too],

Sarah, and/or Sarahmae, because they both have her,

Tori, [maybe two people know who that really is],

Aaaaaaannnddd a few others.

I'm a name theif, ha.

I would like to be the remote control, Britt. It's so awesome-like :].And Skadi, could I please be the connies (converses)? I like drawn on shoes 8D.

Skadiiii. You are my fat rat that I see whenever I go to bed.
Sure. :)



Once Stalker had to get Big Baby (Big Baby was ontop of his bari case).... And he actually could get it. O____________O

I should so be the fat rat. xDD
I made a 3rd character in AC:WW and named it after you. xD


Tuba Bag: ____________ (It might be named something else so hurry? xD)*

Make-up Bag (Green w/ Cupcakes on it.): Feebee 8D

iPod (Purple): Roxygirl

Converse (Pink, and drawn all over.): Ksenia

Purse (Blue with black records.):

Wallet (White w/ music notes on it.):

DS Lite (Pink w/ a white iPod Apple symbol.):

Sunglasses (White with black paint spaltter.) :

Tuba Mouthpiece (Silver and big. ._.) :

Trombone/Baritone Mouthpiece:

* I named it Evil Fat a**. xDDDD

^DS please =D My friend's pink DS also has an Apple sticker on it.

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