Well-known member
i think its great

geez, it wasn't THAT bad! But come on, you must know by now, that tamagotchis are mainly aimed at kids, usually 6-12 year olds or younger. Of course they're going to make it cheesy. Of course they are going to make it cheery. and of course they are going to say "ask your parents first!"!!! Because tamagotchis are mainly for KIDS!!!!!!![SIZE=14pt]...........The most henious commercial I have EVER seen! Suddenly, I felt so ashamed I own a V3! I like the V2 song! 'Ask your parents first'?!?! What in the world were they thinking when they decided to do that dorky 'Gotchi tama tamagotchi!' *removed*.[/SIZE]
I voted for 'I love peanut butter!' because......well I always pick the most random answer...and peanut butter is sooooooo good!
Anyway, that commercial was sooooooo insulting! It made it seem like it was for toddlers or something! The kids in the commercial looked soooooout of place, you know what I mean? Escpecially the boy!
Why did they have to say, 'Win prizes yeah!'! That was sooooooo dorky! Bandai needs to make a new commercial without the annoying cheerleader voice. Do better next time, Bandai!