Do you keep the door closed while sleeping?


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Do you keep the door closed while sleeping?

  • Yes

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  • No

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  • Sometimes

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I don't like my door closed. I have to keep it open at night, because I have lots of reptiles, amphibians, and fish in my room who require heated, watery tanks. My room seriously feels like a jungle if the door is closed for long periods of time. Nice in the winter when you need to warm up, but I like to be cool when I sleep.

I prefer to sleep with my light on, but I have to have it off during the night so my nocturnal creatures can be comfortable, and my day creatures can sleep.

Yes, I'd love to have a separate reptile room. Keep a couple in my room, because it feels odd if there are no animals around when I go to sleep, but it would be nice to move most of them into their own warm, humid room. Oh well, we shall see when that happens.

Well, ever since after I watched Saw and Saw II I was scared when my door was closed... (hehe I know I'm a little old for that) but now I keep it closed most of the way. It is usually open just a crack, or else my room is pitch black witch I think is kinda creepy. But only after I saw that movie. I seems like it could happen in realy life, but only w. a sick tewisted person. Anyways, I voted sometimes...cause it is part open and closed.

I sleep with it shut, and have ever since I was in kindergarten.

I like it better, that way if something is outside the door and it looks freaky in the dark, I won't be able to see it. ^_^

Oh yeah, and I'm afraind of the silence and dark. so I leave my TV on also.

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Like every day. I leave it just a little bit open, and if I leave it all the way, the light might get in my eyes, or I might not be able to fall alseep because it's always so noisy outside my room. I don't sleep with my lights on eother cuz they get in my eyes. Now that I think of it, I like never put my lights on unless it gets really dark. But my lil bro gets sooo scared with his lights off. I don't get that scared, but I use a nightlight. Not a really kidd 1, just a bedside lamp. I hate not seeing anything around me. It's like my eyes are closed, but they're not.

Also, good topic thinking.

Well, I've never really thought about it, but I keep my door closed. I just seem to like it that way. It's not because I don't like to see the light outside, because I wear a sleeping mask anyway.. I guess it's just 'cause I feel like there's this big empty whole in me. o_O :D (Even though it's just an open bedroom door.) :p

Haven't seen me in a while, huh? *hugs* :D

I always sleep with my door closed. My brothers get up before me, and they always make a ton of noise. Although in the winter, my dad tells me to keep it open to "let some heat in", but I never listen to him. I don't care if my room is cold. Hah.

Title says it all.
I sometimes keep the door closed whenever I want to while I drift off to sleeping in bed.
Actually, yeah. Makes me feel protected, because if a monster came (I know it's rediculous, but it's my theory) to my house and tried to hurt me, it would take more time for it to open the door. But don't take my theory-- it will never happen. :huh:


I leave it half open. I have a theory that if your like me your scared to be alone in the dark sometimes so the door a little open gives you a little light AND its because if someone sneaks into my room and tries to kill me I could make a quick getaway and I could escape before he closes it and locks it AND I could listen to my parent's conversation.

Most people leave their door closed because their light sleepers (I'm neither a heavy or light sleeper) or their scared of something entering their room. And some people leave it open because they feel more comfortable knowing there's safety outside the door.

Usually it is open, doesn't really matter though. I'm not afraid of the dark. =]

Well I mostly leave my door wide open. Its kinda scary to me if I have it closed but ont really....

Sometimes I close my door because my sisters next door to my room never stop talking. XD lol :angry: :angry:

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