City Lights
Well-known member
I use to have selective mutism and I have Avoidant Personality Disorder. Both diagnosed. I use to go to therapy and take antidepressants for it, but I haven't had any issues lately.
hmm i have not been diagnosed with Asperger's but have sometimes wondered if i had it. I'm 20 and have never been able to handle anything negative what so ever being said to me. I cry at the drop of a dime. It's a real problem at work because people don't take me very seriously and view me as a wimp. I've always just been told to toughen up but nothing ever works. I hate it when people get upset at me, i never do anything to make them mad and they act like i did it on purpose.I'm the same, people say mean stuff and it makes me cry. I think it probably is the Asperger's. Like, when Victoria was saying stuff about me, I ended up coming home from school crying. I hated it.
Are you sure if you have aspergers? Your parents are usually notified if their child has a problem or something... Other people who I know are anti-social, but don't have aspergers, I'm mostly on the more shy part and don't make much friends, but I don't have aspergers. I put stuff in a straight order, and again, I don't have aspergers.Aspegers, allergies and food allergies.
Basically same as Tictax and Teri with the Aspergers part.
same here....i sometimes wonder if everyone hates me and it's all just some joke.I believe I may have AvPD. I've avoided my half-sister for almost three years because of fear she will reject me for avoiding her. I do not take criticism well at all. If I think that I've been rejected it hits me pretty hard. I don't have trust in others, this sadly inculdes my friends sometimes. I feel like they will no longer want to be around me one day.