Do you have a dysfunction/disorder/disease...


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I use to have selective mutism and I have Avoidant Personality Disorder. Both diagnosed. I use to go to therapy and take antidepressants for it, but I haven't had any issues lately.

I'm the same, people say mean stuff and it makes me cry. I think it probably is the Asperger's. Like, when Victoria was saying stuff about me, I ended up coming home from school crying. I hated it.
hmm i have not been diagnosed with Asperger's but have sometimes wondered if i had it. I'm 20 and have never been able to handle anything negative what so ever being said to me. I cry at the drop of a dime. It's a real problem at work because people don't take me very seriously and view me as a wimp. I've always just been told to toughen up but nothing ever works. I hate it when people get upset at me, i never do anything to make them mad and they act like i did it on purpose. :(

I never knew that was a symptom of asperger's.

Some of the reasons i thought i had it before was because i have a lot of social problems. I have a hard time talking with people and i often just chose not to talk to some people and try to only socialize with people i know well. I always end up having awkward conversations with people. I always end up missing the point of what they're saying or taking them too literally or missing a joke all together and they never seem to understand what i'm try to tell them or i don't know how to respond to them. Also i have had obsession problems my whole life. At any given time in my life there is one thing i am super obsessed with. It's all i can think about, talk about, i spend all my money on it, and get totally immersed in it. It ends up being debilitating especially at my age because there's a lot of important things adults should be able to focus on but all i can focus on is a show or a game or a book series. not to mention if i have a brief dry spell between obsessions i get depressed that i don't have anything to put my energy into and i get that "life's pointless" feeling. I have been diagnosed with chronic depression but i don't take my meds because they make me feel like a zombie or something. :p

anyways, whether i have it or not, i can relate to the crying when people say stuff thing. I hate when people say it's as simple as toughening up because I've tried and i can have a fake tough exterior but as soon as someone says something i just can't hold up. It's not like i'm trying to be a cry baby or a wimp or get attention. i just can help it and it's embarrassing. :(

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I definitely have depression/social anxiety but im worried i have OCD too. Its like i have to check thing are there in my mind so i have to count to 10 when i see certain things and i get anxious when i dont. And then sometimes i have to align objects so they are neat and straight. Its weird its like when i see shoes i have to count the right as one, left 2, right 3. Yeah im weird -_-

I believe I may have AvPD. I've avoided my half-sister for almost three years because of fear she will reject me for avoiding her. I do not take criticism well at all. If I think that I've been rejected it hits me pretty hard. I don't have trust in others, this sadly inculdes my friends sometimes. I feel like they will no longer want to be around me one day.

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I had bulimia two years ago and I still suffer from an eating disorder. I can promise you that I'm getting better.

I have a non-diagnosed phobia of Dentists. Not like "Oh man, I hate the dentist" kind;

Whenever I'm called to have a check up; even the smallest stuff, I panic. I'm on the verge of tear, sometimes I'll freeze and resist anyone trying to lead me out. When I'm there, I'll curl up into a ball and cry. Then I start blabbering nonsense about my past experiences with the horrible dentist lady I had down south, and sometimes I go into hysteria.

I have trypophobia. Look it up, writing about it makes me want to throw up. :c

I also probably have minor OCD. I hate it when the volume number on the television or the radio or my computer doesn't end in either 5 or 0. Haha :)

Aspegers, allergies and food allergies.

Basically same as Tictax and Teri with the Aspergers part.

Aspegers, allergies and food allergies.

Basically same as Tictax and Teri with the Aspergers part.
Are you sure if you have aspergers? Your parents are usually notified if their child has a problem or something... Other people who I know are anti-social, but don't have aspergers, I'm mostly on the more shy part and don't make much friends, but I don't have aspergers. I put stuff in a straight order, and again, I don't have aspergers. ;)

I have ADD I am very unfocused. I also have TMJ which is an issue with the transgeminal nerve in your face. All that it does it gives me chin cramps and make me dizzy. But other than that I'm healthy as a horse. Not even any allergies, and I'm allergic to nothing. No social issues also(I am not the coolest kid but I'm not the kid sitting by himself at the lunch tables either). Although I am depressed that I might admit to(alot has happened in the past two years).My video games is my coping mechanism, that I'd also admit.

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I have Asperger's syndrome. I haven't been diagnosed officially, but my parents think I do. I show almost all the symptoms. Basically, I have Asperger's, but not officially, if that makes any sense.

I have a phobia of mushrooms. When I talk about it, it seems like I'm just kidding. But if I find a mushroom in my food, I start yelling. Loudly.

I have Asperger's (diagnosed), Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and dysthymia. My anxiety is with schools, so I've had to be homeschooled for a while, but I am working on not freaking out and getting overstimulated when I walk into a school...I get all scared and I have trouble breathing, and if it's too loud (like at lunch) I just have a breakdown and start crying. My dysthymia is a result of depression that's been going on for almost six years now.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention my phobia of bees. Like, even if I just hear a buzzing, I freak out, usually the scream, jump and run kind of freak out. Poeple have told me endlessly "Just stay still it won't hurt you if you don't freak out" but I honestly can't help it. Of course, I end up feeling silly if the buzzing is just a fly xD

i have like a thousand. ADHD at age 5, ODD and aspergers at 11, And i think i might be bipolar :/

I have severe allergies...

cats, dogs, cockatiels (and any large parrots), pollen, all molds, carrots, apples, pears, plums, peaches, and about 100 other things.

But I still have a dog, 2 cats, and everything else xD I even grow indoor flowering plants > :D

I really want a conure but the only reason I'm not getting one is because I don't have any time.

I don't have any mental disorders (that I'm aware of) but sometimes I do get severe much that I get extreme fatigue, migraines, dizziness, unfocused vision, "pulsing" hearing, and it only stops if I completely forget about it.

But someone told me that it's NOT normal that I like to stab my gums with my nails > :( But it feels really good xD But my gums bleed, and then it hurts to brush my teeth....bleh..

~I have anemia, so I have to get my blood drawn every two weeks (which I'm still not used to after 5 years -_- ). I've fainted a lot of times because of it.

~I think I have a little hydrophobia, because I cannot go anywhere near the pool, beach, etc. without having a panic attack.

~I've also gone into septic shock before when I was much younger...very scary experience...honestly thought I would have died :/

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I believe I may have AvPD. I've avoided my half-sister for almost three years because of fear she will reject me for avoiding her. I do not take criticism well at all. If I think that I've been rejected it hits me pretty hard. I don't have trust in others, this sadly inculdes my friends sometimes. I feel like they will no longer want to be around me one day.
same here....i sometimes wonder if everyone hates me and it's all just some joke.

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