Heheh. You just dug up a pretty old post there. x3 Oh, well, might as well post....
Yep. I've got one. :S Actually, the one that actually belonged to me broke a while back...the buttons came out!

But I've got my sister's old one right now. No batteries, though.
They were the first digital sort of pet I ever had. I liked them, but since I was so young, I would get upset when they died. For whatever reason, RakuRakus have a habit of dropping dead like mayflies.
Concerning that website that showed them...I've never seen the angel or demon things! How on earth...? Usually, it would be adult stage...move for a while, then boom - dead. You couldn't do anything with them once they were adults, either.
Huh. And that growth chart. I could've sworn I had a pterodactyl once. Maybe not...Otherwise, looks accurate.
EDIT: Ah, might've been that demon/dragon thing! Apparently, that and the angel dude appear if you take really good care of your dinosaur. Hm. Too long ago to accurately remember!! *_*
Tamagotchis are more functional, but the Dinkies are fun.
Those of you who threw temper tantrums over your hatred of inanimate objects...you were almost certainly ripped off. Dollar stores don't sell good anything, let alone electronics. Tsk tsk. Go buy a gas station Gameboy. >:3 +FAIL.