I have one that says Rakuraku Dinokun and it is not a fake because it is the exact same thing as my other one that says Dinky Dino. It is just the japenese writing version of it.a fake one will be called one of the following,
1.rakudako digicund
2.mini pet
3.dino dinki
5.new dinkie
6.rakurakudiino kon
7.infared tacagochi
9.25 in one super dinkly
10.21 in 1 dinkie dinosare
11.tamagootchi v.9
12.12 in 1 dino of dinkiland
13.34 in7(?pet)
14.happy luvas
15.ubepet v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,
NONE of these are real but numbers 1 3 5 6 9 10 and 15 are not that bad.
I never said rakuraku dino kun was a fake read it again CAREFULLY!I have one that says Rakuraku Dinokun and it is not a fake because it is the exact same thing as my other one that says Dinky Dino. It is just the japenese writing version of it.
no, that was not a typo there is a fake called ''rakurakudiino kon''Yea you did. You said "a fake one will be called one of the following" and on the sixth choice you wrote RakuRakudiino kon. I figured you made a typo.