do you believe in ghosts?


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I come from a family of 'mediums' or I prefer the term sensitive. I see ghosts, and often shadow people. I sometimes interact with them even. I can feel their emotions, on occasion, and hear, see, feel, and sometimes smell them as well (Not always pleasant...). Not all spirits are bad spirits. Some of them are mischeavious, but they cant physically harm you.

I have alot of information on the paranormal. If you want to know more, feel open to Pm me. I appreciate it.


I could say I do. Sometimes I feel like there is another presence in my room at night. ^.~



I've had enough paranormal things to last me my life! I see things, and I have "people" Believe me if you want! But If I haven't convinced you so far I'm likely not going to!

Keep your mind open. My psychic draw I think is what brings them in

tell me, what is a ghost?

is it an apparition? a lost soul? an illusion? or the memory of someone lost?

there are too many definitions to really know if they exist.

i beleive ghosts are possible, and i'm pretty sure i've seen them before.

but what i do know, is i'm going on a ghot tour in 2 weeks! in st. augustine, oldest city in america! w00t.

Yes. My mom studied ghosts for a while and found out we have had ghosts in our house.


For example there was this one ghost that would sexually abuse my mom. Weird, I know but it's true.


Apparently it left by just ignoring the fact that he was even there.

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well i'm not sure...I mostly beleive that there are spirits of people who died and can watch us in heaven ....I actually need 2 think more about it


A long time ago, about a year or so, I went over to one of my friend's houses, and he had like this little basement thingy. It was basically a very small little room where he kept some of his stuff, so I went in to look (my friend was busy chasing his 3-year-old brother who was messing with his Game Boy Advance SP) And suddenly the lights in the room went off, the door closed, and I had this strange feeling there was something behind me..I freaked out and suddenly, the light went back on and the door was open again. I ran outta there as fast as I could.

Ever since then, I fully believe in ghosts and spirits.

Not really... anymore.But I have seen demons before. Pretty scary if you don't know how to handle it.

My father has also seen a demon before, but strangly enough, I've already delt with 3.
I'm just curious- what does a demon look like? I've never seen one before.

Anyways, I do believe in ghosts, but I have never had an experience with any ghosts.

Yes I have. When 6th grade was ending, I took a picture of my friends near the girls locker room (In gym). As soon as the camera flashed, my friends ran over. I was in shock. I saw a white ghostly form. My friends saw her too. She was close to the enterance of the locker room. She looked pretty rich and around 13. I put the camera down and she was still there for about a minute. Eventually in 8th grade I figured out the school was built where a mansion used to stand. A girl in the 1770's died there. Her name was Marie. 13 years old.... I usually hear someone whisper "Marie my name is Marie." I guess that is strange. :D

:rolleyes: I saw a ghost. In my house. he was a old man but i oly saw the back ov him. and he was sitting on my sofa. We liv on the place where ther was farms. So our house is built on old farm grounds. At the time ov the 2nd world war, at the end, a old man was collecting old mine bombs from the fields. Unfortuanitly, 1 exploded wen he picked 1 up. So, of course, he exlpoded 2. And theres a rumour tht he died under 1 ov the houses in the estate. And I think it was our house he died under. I saw another ghost (like a grim reaper but white or grey robes) in our garden. I saw him walk slowly and i was staring at him 4 a while. then he was gone. just like that. Plus, my mum heard the toliet light switch go on and off in the middle ov the night. And my mum never lies. its all true! :) *EDIT*: I see and sence ghosts. these r just 2 ov my ecounters. I had a dream of a ghost girl. I saw her in the mirror but wen i turned round 2 c her, she was gone. But still there in the mirror. she had pink shirt and skirt and red hair wiv freckles and appeared 8 or 9. i talked wiv her and everything, we mannaged 2 make friends. Then I woke up.most of my dreams mean sumthing. And I felt her being in my bedroom. And I felt her watching me in my mirror. And I had another ghost dream a few months before. After I saw tyhe old man ghost in my living room. As I sed, i saw the back ov him. I had the dream tht I walked up 2 him in the living room and i walked round 2 c his face. And I saw it. Straight nose blue eyes, and a kind of armyish look. Ghosts cant hurt u tho. I encountered them 2 much 2 think tht. So dont be scared if u think u c 1. :D remember, Im living wiv 1! :(
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This has really nothing to do with ghosts but I just wanted to say that when I was little I used to think that when you died you just disappeared.

Well anyways, not on to the ghosts topic. I really don't think ghosts exists. I mean, logically thinking, it's impossible.

yes!last summer...

i was waiting for my friend to come to my house, I was so bored that I was filming my boring closet with my video camera.

Me and my friend were watching it on my laptop, then my friend paused it. Then I was like "OH MY GOD!!!", cuz I looked, and there was a white face there in my closet!!! There are ghosts wandering around my house. But they are friendly ghosts though...

If that's true, I'm the President.

I'm not being rude, But I doubt that that's true Because you wouldn't know If they are friendly so it MUST be a lie.

Listen, I'm not being rude, But I DON'T think Ghosts are real; Now that I've heard al these Stories.

I'm not sure what to believe. I am a christian, so I don't believe in that sort of after life. but being a christian means believing in the devil as well and knowing that he is evil. i personally think satin sends spirits sometimes, and give certain people magic to turn others away from God, like, he posesses people and stuff like that. Ive never seen a ghost, but in old houses, sometimes i feel as if i am not alone, like this weird hypnotic feeling comes over me. its so strange
Well, I am Christian too. I believe in what you do basicly so I don't really believe in ghosts. But never now...


Well, I heard a weird soun when I was sitting on a chair alone for hours.Then one time my classmte heard that too.Then one time, I smelled the perfume of my dead uncle when the door to his room was locked for hours.So, I might believe....Anyway, my classmate said when she was standing alone in a room at the school, she saw herself, and there was no mirror!But if there really are ghosts, I think not all are bad.

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