This is a intresting topic. Me, I don't know what to beileve.
I don't know if anybody here will beileve but in my basement around Christmas time me and my friends were playing hide and go seek. I was hiding on the other side of the room and my friend and my sister where right next to me and never saw me. (We were the only ones playing) Then we here a wine bottle wobble, then all on the floor on other side of the room. My friend then screamed out "Fishfreak (that's not my name but im going to be Fishfreak for the story) I know your over there im coming to get you!"
Then I pop out on the other side of the room and we get scared and run upstairs
That's a true story. Then one night my sister had a sleepover and shut her door when she left and then when she got back the next morning her door was locked and we had to pick the lock. And my last story (These are only a couple of my encounters)
There's a house getting built on the bottom o my street and it was way past the workers hours and they accidently leave the light on. A half hour later we saw no car or truck at the house and the light went off, then it came back on again later that night.
So was is supernatrual, I don't know.