Do you believe in Ghosts or Reincarnation?


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When you die you get put in a hole or burned. It's like a deep sleep. Ghosts are people who can't sleep.


I don't believe in reincarnation. When you die you die.

The reincarnation thing you said is totally true for me!!! When you die, (in my opinion) you go to Heaven. Not meaning to get all religious though. :)

Yes and no. Ghost's I am not to sure about. I think that ghosts are mainly a person that died that could not find there way up to the white light (Religiously Speaking) Or they have unfinished business where they died.


You die, you die. It's like a dreamless deep sleep you never wake up from.

When you die, you turn off.

I think it is possible to reincarnate in another body, but not in the way Plato says where you will have reminiscence of past lives. You would start over regardless of your past life, and you could be a bacterium, a turkey or whatever. ;)

As for ghosts, I don't really believe in them although I always say my friend is a ghost :D

I think (people should put "I think" before they say something rather than puting there opinion as if their right, but it doesn't matter to me)

I think that when you die you will go to heaven if you are accepted to by god. When there, I think he may allow the choice of another life as another form. Maybe you'll have brown hair next time. Maybe you'll be a boy. Maybe you'll be a duck. It doesn't matter. You are you, and your personality can change just like it can now, but yourself and your soul will go with you whatever form you take.

Like this: You die = Soul goes to heaven = soul goes in another body = live = etc.

But I think that you wont remember your past life. You'll only remember of your current life, and you wont ever honestly believe or know that you had a life before your current one. Makes me wonder if I had a life before this one O_O

Ooh, but when you go to heaven, you'll remember all of your lifes, but when you go back to earth, you wont, and when you go back to heaven you might feel like "Wow, it's stange how I didn't remember my other lifes"

This way, of not remembering, no one can talk crazy to other people saying "I was a duck in my last life!" and such. Idk, it's that way it maybe is...

But, that's my opinion. It's just my way of thinking, but maybe I'm wrong. (I think it'd be cool if I'm right :( )

All I honestly believe in is going to heaven after death - but I'm not sure about the whole "another life" thing...

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I think about this sometimes...Like, I try really hard to see if I can remember something that happened in what could have been, a life before my own.

And sometimes I think, "what if we go through our same life, over and over again"

But this totally reminds me of my friend. He was like, "Man, I'd be so mad if we had to go through life again! Like start all over!"

When you die, you turn off.I think it is possible to reincarnate in another body, but not in the way Plato says where you will have reminiscence of past lives. You would start over regardless of your past life, and you could be a bacterium, a turkey or whatever. <_<

As for ghosts, I don't really believe in them although I always say my friend is a ghost :angry:
reincarnation yes,ghosts not really if witness one i will.

XD i want to be a turkey! when i was about 10 we had a turkey clan and we gave people 'bird flu' with our bird flu attacks. i miss being a little kid :D

Tamagotchi_Pal, maybe instead of just saying 'Both are impossible' you could say it in a less negative manner? There are - it's hard to believe, I know - people, who actually believe in and value these things.

I believe in both. I am not going on a paranormal rant, I do that enough.

My thoughts on reincarnation are:

When you die, your life essence is taken to wherever it goes. It is mended and worked on to make a few less flaws, then put into another body to be sent back down to earth. That's it in a nutshell, it gets more complicated.

Birth --> Life --> Death --> Afterlife --> Revision --> Rebirth --> Life --> Death --> Revision --> and so on, like a circle that never ends. That is what I believe in.

And if it isn't possible for their to be reincarnation, or ghosts, what makes everyone so sure that there is a god? (I am not trailing to a religion topic... that was an example...)

Because you can't see it? Because you have no proof?

Air isn't visible. It is something you can feel, but what makes you so sure anything is really there? What makes everyone so sure that air is solid? Air is an element? Air is air? I mean, you can't see it. What makes anyone so sure that it isn't all just one big empty space?

Whatever, everyone has their opinion, that is mine. Bash me if you will, don't if you wont.

I prefer the latter.

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