Do you believe in Ghosts or Reincarnation?


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I think (people should put "I think" before they say something rather than puting there opinion as if their right, but it doesn't matter to me)
I think that when you die you will go to heaven if you are accepted to by god. When there, I think he may allow the choice of another life as another form. Maybe you'll have brown hair next time. Maybe you'll be a boy. Maybe you'll be a duck. It doesn't matter. You are you, and your personality can change just like it can now, but yourself and your soul will go with you whatever form you take.

Like this: You die = Soul goes to heaven = soul goes in another body = live = etc.

But I think that you wont remember your past life. You'll only remember of your current life, and you wont ever honestly believe or know that you had a life before your current one. Makes me wonder if I had a life before this one O_O

Ooh, but when you go to heaven, you'll remember all of your lifes, but when you go back to earth, you wont, and when you go back to heaven you might feel like "Wow, it's stange how I didn't remember my other lifes"

This way, of not remembering, no one can talk crazy to other people saying "I was a duck in my last life!" and such. Idk, it's that way it maybe is...

But, that's my opinion. It's just my way of thinking, but maybe I'm wrong. (I think it'd be cool if I'm right :( )

All I honestly believe in is going to heaven after death - but I'm not sure about the whole "another life" thing...
You read my mind. ;) This is exactly what I think happens.

I don't think ghost are real, in my opinion. (No offense to people who do belive in ghosts. :( ) But, I do belive in reincarantion, because like Kawaii-Kitty said, you soul can go to heaven and then your soul goes to a different life and then you live that life.

-Temari Nara

I dont believe in either. But I believe there is spirits and yes they are different than ghosts.

You read my mind. :huh: This is exactly what I think happens.
Sweet O__O

Most of the time I explain my thoughts and people look at me like 'WTF is she talking about?'

Glad someone shares veiws.


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