I love school, too bad classes get in the way!
Actually, I'm starting to find school a rela bore now. Everything we're doing is really...well...BORING.
Like the poetry we're doing is stupid poems that go like this:
Me and my family
You and my family
From the land of Canada
And from the cosy couch
Me and my family
I will love them
Loving them forever
You and my family

I mean really; is that really a poem? It's a stupid acrostic poem. I like ryming poetry that has meaning to it!
And it math, I'm gonna start failing because I have no clue what the dang teacher is talking about. They keep showing is stupid ways of dividing that don't even make any sense!
And in music, we are starting to get into a bit of drama now, but then we're gonna start learning about more NOTES.
And in science, we're learning about oil and coal and natural gas and uranium. SERIOUSLY. How much more boring can you get?
Social studies; yawn.
Gym; it's fun, but not when I have to be goalie. <.<
Sorry about the ranting. x.x I just am starting to dislike school now, because it's not interesting me anymore. Especially MATH. God, HOW I HATE MATH!!
I also hate Tuesdays, the worst day of the week.
Double math, double literacy, science, and french. Yay. *sarcasticly*