New list: I added Tarakotchi's favorite food.
Kinotchi: pudding!
Ahirukutchi: crepe
Mattaritchi: pear!
Kilalatchi: cereal!
Korokotchi: hot dog
Monpatchi: orange
Mametchi: omelette!!
Kuromametchi: chocolate bar
Kikitchi: bananas!
Kuchipatchi: burger
Shimashimatchi: beef bowl
Wooltchi: sundae
Tarakotchi: Teriyaki chicken (please reverify)
Nonopotchi: corn
Gozarutchi: pizza slice
Necktietchi: kebab
Ojitchi: fries
Oyajitchi: sushi platter
Nokotchi: pudding!
Belltchi: cherry
Hoshitchi: ice cream
Shelltchi: cookie!
Mikazukitchi: juice
Chuchutchi: marshmallow
Lovelitchi: cupcake
Violetchi: apple pie
Chamametchi: marshmallow!
Memetchi: muffin (someone please verify this)
Makiko: muffin
Ringotchi: sausage
Uwasatchi: donut
Kunoitchi: waffle
Marotchi: sushi roll
Pipotchi: rice bowl
Grippatchi: smoothie
Otokitchi: ?
Please note the difference between sushi and sushi roll. Sushi is the sushi platter, and sushi roll is the individual sushi roll (shown as sushi on V3, V4, and V4.5 and maybe some others) and although the two fulfill the same hunger hearts, some characters are partial to sushi (platter) and others are partial to sushi roll. I add "platter" to the sushi platter (called sushi on the Tamagotchi) to reduce confusion, if this makes sense.
Great job, guys! We've only got one food left that we totally don't know! Anyone have a female adult that they're willing to neglect in order to get Otokitchi?

I might do that once I've got a female TMGO!
Let's start taking pictures of the characters to help people make pixels of the characters.

I'll try soon!