Diary of a Tamagotchi


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Eddie evolved into a hidatchi...

"I look like a female tamagatchi! This bites!"

He's wearing the hohotchi costume. Sorry Lindon.


Eddie and Kylie are four hearts!!!!


Thats all for now.


~Danii, Kylie and Eddie~

:D :mellow: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :huh: :lol:

Big news!


Kylie and Eddie 'married' today!!


I was in ikea and i was a bit bored so i sat down on a display sofa and connected them. They both started turning from side to side and you know the rest if your tams have 'married'.


Little baby girls!


I'm going to pause Eddie soon because I'm going back to school. I'll be looking after Kylie and baby this week (pausing at night) cause I cant look after a teletchi at school. Then on the weekend I'll unpause Kylie and Eddie on Friday night so they can go 'home' and look after their babies.


PM me any name suggestions. I've got all week to decide.

Phew! Havent really found the time to write in here. I'm too busy to look after both tamagotchis right now....

Kylies baby, Jane (Jane Eyre) is a mohitamatchi on pause.

Eddies is a young mametchi evolved from mohitamatchi called Tief (its German, my friends and i love the word!)

Have to have Tief asleep in my locker during the day cause I got caught with him but I dont think my teacher realised that he wasnt a phone which was lucky. That could've let to alot of questions....

Aah. sorry not much time, my dad needs the computer...


Shilo and Tief.

Okay. I am sitting down at my computer to write a proper entry.

Tief evolved into a young mametchi, then tarakotchi. He's currently on pause.

Jane is still a mohitamatchi (asleep)....I think she might evolve today.....

That'd be groovy.



Yesterday I left Jane home all day by herself!!!! Oh noes......

But I didnt come home to a screen of angel wings......just a very very unhappy young mametchi.

Jane is just blobbing around on her screen so nothing new...

