I got it but how do you make it talk.I put tamatown as my background and walked my kuchipatchi through it as I was singing " walk yes oh walking through tamatooownnnnnnnnn!!!!!"..My mum was looking at me wierdleyScary stuff people scary stuff
PS: Thanks alot! Also I love when the float down the screen, I shall never be bored while typing out project and hokmework!
Windows 95? o.oFrom what I heard if you have something like Windows 95, Me, or etc. You have to download Winzip or so...
The bit in bold in the quote is 100% absolutely false. You DO NOT need PKZIP to use this program. You just save the zip file, go to it and open it. It will open in the same thing that you open folders in.when you go on Tamagotchi Website and click on Downloads, you will see something that says "Desktop Buddies." You must have PKZIP installed to use this program. A tamagotchi (Mametchi, Memetchi, or Kuchipatchi) will apper on the bottom right ofthe screen. You can then chose one of the three tamas, chose an action, and a desktop. My tamagotchi is Kuchipatchi, the desktop is TamaTown, and my action is set to "Dance."