Death in the Family


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FOUR TIME Lifetime Angelgotchi
Nov 20, 2005
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United States
I haven't been on TamaTalk in quite a while. One of the reasons was that I was grounded.

Another was that my brother, Edward, had passed away.

It's a surreal feeling when somebody passes away; I was never really connected with Eddie because he was autistic. And yet, when he was gone it was like there was nothing left in my life.

It hurts a lot to lose someone close to you. Actually, for the week I went back to FL for the funeral I didn't cry at all. It didn't really occur to me the depth of what had happened. It was too much to take in at one time.

It was a Sunday afternoon. We were watching America's Next Top Model. Tyra was about to announce who was to be eliminated when the phone rang. My mom picked up. It was my Dad.

He asked her if she was sitting down. She was.

He broke the news to her that Eddie had passed away. She started crying hysterically and at first I thought her mom had passed away.

That's when she yelled "My baby is dead!"

I have 3 brothers. I didn't know which one it was until she said Eddie's name. I don't remember much after that except that somebody texted me, and instead of responding normally all I could put down was "My brother just died."

I remember going upstairs and having my parents come in. My cellphone was ringing but I didn't want to pick up. I didn't want to talk. I couldn't talk. My parents were talking to me but I was just staring. I didn't hear a word they said.

Eddie died November 4th, 2007.

Share your stories.

Great condolences.

I haven't had anything happen like this to me in the family. I can imagine how hurt you must have felt the news came.

Hope your family can pull together and best wishes in the future!

D: ur brother died? THATS TERRIBLE! Mai sister died last year and it still hurts. It sux what ur going through

Oh my gosh....I'm so sorry. :) When someone you love dies, it's so hard. It's like there's no reason left to live and even if you were always really nice to the person who died you regret every mean thing you ever said to them. You'd do anything to take it back. And you'd do anything at all to spend just one more hour, just one more minute with them, and tell them how much you love them. What really makes me angry are people who haven't had the experience of someone very close to them dying, but pretend that they have. "It's okay, I know how you feel." No, random, stupid person, you do NOT know how I feel. Having your goldfish die or your grandparent die before you were born is not even close to the feeling you have when someone who LIVES with you dies. It also really annoys me when people say "You'll feel better soon!!!" Nooo, I'm not going to feel better soon. I'm never going to forget about it. When someone you love very, very, much dies, you'll never feel the same way again, and you'll never look at life the same way. You can be happy again, and you can still live your life, but you are not going to forget! Sheesh. Sorry for the rant and all, but I've heard those stupid quotes from ignorant people waaay too many times, and they make me furious. My dad died April 25, 2007. He had a horrible case of abdominal cancer, and there was not the slightest chance that he would live. He did, however, live MONTHS longer than the doctors predicted. That was a complete miracle. I feel so lucky that I had all that time to tell him everything I wanted him to know. I can't even imagine how hard it must be to lose someone unexpectedly like you did. I was next to Dad when he died. He'd been in a coma for several weeks. Me and my mom were sitting by him, because we knew that it was the time. My last words to him were, "I love you Daddy, I love you so much!" This next part I'm not kidding about, it honestly happened. As soon as I said those words, Dad, who had been in that coma for weeks, smiled. And then he stopped breathing. Just like that. And I firmly believe that was not a coincidence. It was a miracle. Like you, RG, it took a while to sink in. The funeral was nearly tearless for me, actually. I was glad it was all over, coming home from school every day, dreading and wondering if Dad was still alive, was the worst thing ever. Then came all the tears and misery. I still think about Dad every single day, but I haven't cried for a while. The whole experience made me a stronger person, and I'm proud of that. So that's my story.

[SIZE=13pt]Thats very rough...I don't think I could ever fully understand how that feels.[/SIZE]

I've never lost someone close to me before...*_* ...

I'm so sorry. I hope everything gets better for both you and your family.


-Gives you a hug-

Death is a very hard thing to deal with, but you have to remember that the person is in a better place. Try to focus on the positive things. I know what it feels like to have somebody die. I've had 2 deaths in the family this year.

Sorry to hear about your brother RG. I lost my father to complications to Crohn's back when I was about 10 and a half. It was at a point in my life where I was just starting to get to know him more too. Also lost both grandparents several years later about couple years difference.

Luckily your brother is better now and can watch you from the other side.

My dog. :) I haven't had anyone in my family that was really close to me die. I mean, my grandfather died when I was 1 and a half, and my great grandmother is pretty sick right now, but I never knew her. My dog was the only family member that I was close to that died. He died June 6, 2005. Almost 3 years ago.

My close friend died 8 months was terrible! Her, her mom, and her baby sister died in a car-crash. I was so stunned, I didn't even go to teh funeral. I didn't eve ncry. I didn't really realize the depth of it all.

Now, I find myself crying about it alot. I keep being reminded of her in some way. She was a very good person and didn't desevre to die the way her and her family did!

That is extremely sad. I don't know how you could stand such a tragedy. I remember when my grampa died. I didn't cry at the funeral. I was just scared. I didn't like looking at him dead in the coffin in a suit. It looked scary. I couldn't take it all in because I was very close to him.

Your story was worse. I'm so sorry...

I had a Sister who died in 1994, a year before I was born. She had a rare heart disease, she had no symptoms.

My cousin died the exact same year. He died in a car crash. My cousin is an alone child now, she's ten.

My best friend, Jessica, sister died before she was born. A week after my sister did. She had a brain tumour.

It hurts the most when you never got to know your relative. Me and my bestie thought it was fate that we became friends.

My Grandpa died first day of school. January 27th, 2006. I thought my dad was joking when he said he died. I couldn't accept it. Then when I went to the funeral, me and my cousin cried so much it hurt...

I'm crying now.. -wipes tears- It hurts.... Why do they have to go? When you don't want them to....


My uncle Danny... I never got to know him to much. He always wanted a little girl, so he called me and my cousin Taylor his little girls. He had a bad life.. Drug addict, couldn't accept rehab once his mother died and he couldn't live with her anymore.. He got his truck stolen by a guy that he was living with after rehab. So he moved in with his son (Bryan) and my cousin Taylor and her mom and brother. He started doing better wasn't addicted to drugs, he was one good man. He got his own appartment. Still doing just fine, he stayed there alone. One day his apartment caught fire. A neighbor saw smoke coming from his apartment and went to ring his doorbell. He didn't know the apartment was on fire so he told her he'd go see if there was a fire. So he left the door way and he never came back. They found him lying on his bed. They think he had gone in to grab his cell phone and what not. He died in a fire. Never thought it would happen.. I miss him.

by the way, I'm terrified of hearses. I can't stand them. You couldn't pay me to drive one of those. It's so so creepy. Imagine driving this black long car with a dead person in the back?. Ugh. *shutters*

I remember my grandpa in one of scares me.

Anyway, it feels horrible to have a death in the family...

Oh..I'm so sorry about that, RG. :ichigotchi:

My aunt passed away from cancer. It was really, really sad. :mimitchi:

I'm sooooo sorry!!!

I hope you get over it (Although, loosing a loved one is not something you will ever get over, I'm afraid.)

My mums, mum is dead. She died when my mum was 21. =0

Both my dads parents are dead too. My Grandpa died 1 year after my brother was born (My brother is 19 now) and my Grandma died 4 years after I was born.

My uncle died two years ago,

He was only 43. Same age as my parents. He had been ill ever since he was 30. Having Strokes and so on. His children, my cousins, were put in fostercare because he was so ill. So, anyway, 2 years ago, we heard he had, had a stroke and they said he is going to die so, the only thing I could do was pray. Tell you something, I don't believe in god but I did it for him. But, I was scared, terrifide! So I rang my brother, though, it was so noisey where he was that he couldn't here me. This was the first time I ever got a mobile phone so I tried texting him. It took me half an hour to atleast right the message and I sent it. Soon, he came home too. Then my dad. Next day, school. Still no news but I had to go in. So, I did. After lunch, My teacher gave me a note. Apparently my parents phoned the school to pass on a message to me that my uncle was dead. Yep, He died. Nice way to get it. I was crying for the rest of the day, so the teachers sent me out of the room to let me calm down.

My uncle lived far away from us thats why we hardly ever saw him but he always phoned my mum everyday. =[

My Grandma died a day before my birthday but I wouldn't say that I felt very close to her. Not close at all. It was as if there was no emotion.

No tears, nothing. I just stared at her for the last time and just sat down quietly. The tears only come every once in a while.

Everyone else took it hard, though.

Oh my gosh....I'm so sorry. :D When someone you love dies, it's so hard. It's like there's no reason left to live and even if you were always really nice to the person who died you regret every mean thing you ever said to them. You'd do anything to take it back. And you'd do anything at all to spend just one more hour, just one more minute with them, and tell them how much you love them. What really makes me angry are people who haven't had the experience of someone very close to them dying, but pretend that they have. "It's okay, I know how you feel." No, random, stupid person, you do NOT know how I feel. Having your goldfish die or your grandparent die before you were born is not even close to the feeling you have when someone who LIVES with you dies. It also really annoys me when people say "You'll feel better soon!!!" Nooo, I'm not going to feel better soon. I'm never going to forget about it. When someone you love very, very, much dies, you'll never feel the same way again, and you'll never look at life the same way. You can be happy again, and you can still live your life, but you are not going to forget! Sheesh. Sorry for the rant and all, but I've heard those stupid quotes from ignorant people waaay too many times, and they make me furious. My dad died April 25, 2007. He had a horrible case of abdominal cancer, and there was not the slightest chance that he would live. He did, however, live MONTHS longer than the doctors predicted. That was a complete miracle. I feel so lucky that I had all that time to tell him everything I wanted him to know. I can't even imagine how hard it must be to lose someone unexpectedly like you did. I was next to Dad when he died. He'd been in a coma for several weeks. Me and my mom were sitting by him, because we knew that it was the time. My last words to him were, "I love you Daddy, I love you so much!" This next part I'm not kidding about, it honestly happened. As soon as I said those words, Dad, who had been in that coma for weeks, smiled. And then he stopped breathing. Just like that. And I firmly believe that was not a coincidence. It was a miracle. Like you, RG, it took a while to sink in. The funeral was nearly tearless for me, actually. I was glad it was all over, coming home from school every day, dreading and wondering if Dad was still alive, was the worst thing ever. Then came all the tears and misery. I still think about Dad every single day, but I haven't cried for a while. The whole experience made me a stronger person, and I'm proud of that. So that's my story.
I know! It's sooooo annoying! My great grandma died In November, it was horrible. I diddn't believe it. It was more of a shock for me, where for you it was slow, and not as much as a horrible supprise. I came home from school and my dad told me she had died. I just try to ignore it, because i can't do anything about it, I won't let it weigh me down. Some people think i'm not sad because i do that, plus she was on the richer side and left us an awful lot, but I am still sad. I just can't believe i'll never see her again.

I can't imagine your pain, when my dog died I cried myself to sleep for a year.

And I thought that was bad, but having a brother or sister die must be terrible.

I feel so sorry for you, :D I wish your brother a happy after life.


I can't really fully understand how much that hurt, but I know how much it did, if you can understand what I'm saying. It hurts when someone close to you dies. It's like part of you dies with them. And you can never really take it in. It's like jumping into a pool without any water.

I can't say I've had someone close to me die. My grandfather died before I was born, but it still feels like a part of me is missing. He was the one to predict that I would be a girl before the doctors even knew.

My aunt's in the hospital right now. She has leukemia. She's getting a transplant either this month or next. She's not going to make it if this transplant doesn't work.

The last time I saw her was last November. She was bald from chemotherapy, but she was probably the most beautiful person I had seen in a long time. She was the strongest person I'd seen in a long time. When I was visiting her, she didn't seem upset that her leukemia could come back [at that time it was gone], no, she was happy that her cancer was gone. She was happy that she got to see her family again. She was happy that she was alive.

But now that's all slipping away. And I don't know which hurts worse, the fact that she's going to die, or the fact that there's absolutely nothing I can do.

Sorry for the long post. I tend to get really in depth with emotional things.

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