Dear (Insert Name Here),


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Dear Topic,

lolololo you're going to get alot of notes about the new layout.

- Claire.

Dear Zoila,

Stop trying to kill my Tamagotchi!!! You already killed it...

Dear Soranyelly, Xaymarie, and Zanijah,

I'm not your friend anymore. You always make me mad and make me cry. I really don't know why I chose you as a friend in the first place...

Dear World,

I have no friends. Will you be my friend?


Dear right arm;

Why must you be sore?

You have no reason to be.


The rest of the body

Dear iPod;

Where the heck are youuu?

You must be somewhere in the room, considering I fell asleep with you...

♥; your desperate owner

Dear Heart;

I really appreciate the fact that you're making it so I don't like anyone at this given point in time :)

♥; Beth

Dear Grass,

Dangit, cut yourself.

- Krystal.

Dear Aoshi,

I still wub you to death.

- The OTHER Weasel Girl. (;

Dear Icanhascheezburger,

You're quite amazing.

- Krystalalala.

[SIZE=7pt]Dear People Of TT,[/SIZE]

Prepare for a huge rant/love note post.


Much love, Maria.

Dear Crystal,

Oh my, where do I start? Social climbing? I'll explain. You're trying to be cool, and talk to the year eights and nines, yes? That's just annoying, seriously. And you might not know it yourself, but you're really trying to be like Stella. But there's a HUGE difference between you and her. People liked Stella. People don't like you. First Annie, Chione, now Richard? Who's next, Miles? Chris? Lillian? Did you freaking raid my friends list and add every person from Fort Street? No seriously, my hate for you is ridiculously huge. There isn't really much else wrong with you, but you're just so much of a social climber wannabe it makes me sick. Plus, the girls you hang out with are all crappy losers, I don't know how people could be attracted to Naomi or Wendy. Or how Huw could have once liked you and asked you out. Seriously girl, I've been there and done that. People will hate you. Get over yourself, act your age and stop showing off.


Dear Cameron,

Whoa whoa, slow down. It's sort of against the law for you to be attracted to me, hey? It's nothing personal, but you're 18 and I'm only 12. You're nice and all, but it's really just kind of ****-ish. Also, I feel bad about ever telling you that I'm not interested. I'll eventually tell you, but I think I might hurt your feelings. I don't know how much you like me, but really, I'm not really comfortable with it. I mean, we can be friends and all but I'm not sure about anything more.


Dear Jack,

Hey, maybe we should talk to each other a bit more. I'd like to get to know you better. I got butterflies from being near you last week and today. But I don't really think I have a crush on you. But yeah. It's complicated. Just saying.

Love, Maria.

Dear Miles,

I'm hoping for something I can't have. I felt really left out yesterday, but then you treated me as just-a-bit-less-than-an-equal. I've only ever hugged you once, and you had the politeness of telling me what Zac said, and you showed some interest and feeling about what I said at the swimming carnival. I'm not sure if you were bullshitting me or what, but you seem to not hate me. Yet. I think you're really nice, and kind of attractive. But I'm wasting my time, hey? Like I did holding on to Chris.

Much love, Maria.

Dear Lillian,

Thankyouthankyouthankyou for making yesterday so amazing. You held my hand, you treated my like a year nine, you forgot I was only 12. You're such an amazing person, you're my best friend, I love you.

Lots and lots of love, Maria.

Dear Chris,

I'll make this short and sweet. Your new hair? No thanks.


Dear People Of TT,

If you read that and didn't judge me, I love you. I'm going through a really hard time and just typing and posting and having someone who will listen really helps. I love you guys so much.

All my love, Maria. xx

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Dear Survivor;

Damnit. Why the hell did Sanda have to win; again.

See? This game is messed.

-Person who stayed up until 12AM to watch

Dear Russel Hantz;

You went this far again.

And you lost. Again.

It doesn't matter, though.

You played the game better than those two idiots.

-Possibly your biggest fan

Dear Sandra;

You ******.

Nobody burns Russel's hat and gets away with it.

So screw off.

You're lucky he didn't cause total hell.

You could have been voted off, then maybe Russel could have won.

But no, you had to be selfish.

-I hate you

Dear Science teacher whateveryournameis;

No. I didn't do my science homework.

Only half of it.

Deal with it.

-Procrastinating student

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Dear Jazmine,

I know your numberplate.

- Ksenia.

Dear Adam,

Loooong conversation that was,

LOL, Tom and Jerry the twins.

- Ksenia.

Dear sleep,

I'm coming. Gimme like twenty minutes.

- The body.

Dear Exams,


Why do you exist?





Dear Daddy,


Please hurry up and come home from hospital.



Dear Kelly,

Hm, I didn't do anything wrong. You just flipped. So, don't expect me to come running back to you to make up with you. I getting rather sick of your selfish, lying, over-reacting and inconsiderate ways

- Old Friend.

Dear Jessica,

You are most truly the most amazing friend ever. I love you so much.

You had no idea how much it saddened me when you said that you missed the old me. So do I darling. <3 I'll try and get better and change myself back for you. Thank you for sticking by me through everything. Everything. I'm always there for you and you're always there for me. That is what I love about our friendship. I appreciate you so much and everything you've done for me.

Until death do us part. <3

- Keeley xxx

Dear Mr Dentist Man,

I no longer like you. -evils-

- Keeley. (A patient, yeah?)

Dear Maria,

I read it all : )

- Weiwei

Dear Darius,


Weiwei is now offline.

- Your 2nd favorite girl.

PS - Yeah, I kinda do wish you would switch with him. And Yeah, it does suck how teachers always put me and you together. I'm not stalking you.

Dear Greyson Chance,

Amazingness. <3

- A fan : )

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Dear girl I am not so big a fan of;

Really? I don't care what you did Saturday. Just because you went to the Variety show doesn't mean I need to hear every detail of it. You know, it'd be really nice to hear a "How was your weekend Beth?" once in a while. But no, the world revolves around you, no? & Yes, okay sometimes I repeat myself. But I've heard some of your stories a gazillion times. I'll rant more about you later, Anna's bugging me.

Not so much love;


Dear douchee,

Kfine, ignore me : \

- Your 'bestfriend'

ahah, I'm gonna go super ranty right now.

Dear douche agaiin,

I hate how you only talk to me when there's no one else to talk to. I hate how you just say hi, then like ignore me, then tell me about random shizz about you and other people. I'll be honest. I don't really care. But I guess I'm just nice enough to say "that's great." I guess talking to other people is more important. We don't even really talk anymore : \ Like, remember when we talked for hours everyday? Well, now I'm lucky if you even talk to me at all. I guess youre just assuming I understand that you'd rather talk to other people, and sure, it makes me feel happy at the moment when you tell me that you like talking to me the most, but seriously, it seems youre just saying that so I dont get pi**ed off at you : \

- Rant overr. Bye.

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Dear MSN,

It's been a while. I miss you. ):

- Keeley

Dear kid who high-fived me,

Owww. Next time, hit my hand please. Not my arm. No, you can't high-five as great as Alex.

Ahaahahaha, Alex owned you again.

- Keeley.

Dear Washing,

Go fold yourself.

- Teri

Dear Cake,

You will have to get used to pink because most of us have our font that colour.

- your sister Teri

Dear Kristin,

I've seen some of your letters to survivor people, there are some of us watching it who aren't even up to the merge yet, let alone the final. I am one of those people. If my mum read those letters, Survivor would be boring to her because she'd know who won before it happens and she doesn't like that. So please show some consideration next time for us New Zealanders who haven't seen it yet and don't spoil it.

- Some girl called Teri

P.S. I'm not meaning to offend you.

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