Dear (Insert Name Here),


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Dear Kristin,

Guess what! Today I was in a store and there was those name keychain things. I saw a Kristin and though of you.



Dear Krystal;

That is awesome. <333


Dear Hetalia;

Episode 54 better be subbed, soon.

Either that, or I'll re-watch all 53 episodes


-A fan

Dear TK,

I know you feel this way too,

I just can't wait until I get my room back. xDD


Dearest Aaron;

No, our children will not dress like that. xD

♥; your favoritee wifee everrr..


I love you dear :) In case you haven't figured that much out yet.

Your 12 year old self is the best thing everr.

♥; Your future wifee.

Dear Attention Span;

Be longer.


Dear Piano Named Jae,

I. Love. You. SO MUCH. <3 Though your low C seems a biiiiit off.



Dear English Homework;

Die in Hell. Google isn't a help.

And I BS'ed the answers so far.

And the rest are.... yeah.

I'm dead tomorrow. So I blame you.


Dear Mr. McQuaid;

So... you expect me to call gran

for the English assigment answers?

No thanks... I'm better off failing

than talking to that fat cow.

-a student

Dear "How-To" assignment;

I don't care if peple in my class

don't have a clue to what a Mary-Sue is.

I'm saying "don't have a Mary-Sue"

No, I will not explain to them.


Dear Kristin,

It's subbed. Episode 54.

- Claire

Dear Episode 55,





- Claire

Dear Simone,



Dear Iguana/ Turtle,

I'm sorrryyyyy ;________;

Dear dA person,

Ohmygoshyourart. You. Are. Amazingggggnenneeeeeessssssssssssss.

And dude you have so many copics and coloured pencils @_@

And ... mm. xD

Dear School,

You have sucky lunches.

And also don't have so much homework. Thanksbye.

Dear Demon (cat),

Don't go running off until 11pm again because mum made me walk around looking for you in my shorts and t-shirt and it's England and it was cold and I could have been murdered or worse and yeah.

... Yeah, if it was a child missing I wouldn't do that, but a cat or dog? Definitely.

Dear Max,

Yeah, I don't know what to say.

The EP's frickin' amazing though.

I wish you hadn't left Die For You.

Seeing you on Friday.

Love you <3


Dear Kaycee,

Mum said we can't come over.

I wish we could though.


Dear People on TT

Why do you have to get into so many fights with 'n00bs' on TC.That'smeamean.You guys are meanies. ):<

-Sugary D:

Dear Anonymous,

Can you please stop copying me? D:

I don't wanna get all in your face but I'm trying to be myself here,

And I know we're friends and all but I don't appreciate it when you list those things and blah blah.

Yeah so since when do you like P!ATD and ATL? Since never.

Just 'cause I get something doesn't mean you automatically need it too.

- Anonymous.

Dear School,

Can't wait to go back on Monday. I love holidays, yes, but I also love school. Dram is funfun, thanks for making a double period of it on Thursday.


Dear Tomorrow,

Hurry up.

Be perfect.

I'm sorry for annoying you.

But you're my special day.



Dear Russell Hantz;

Wow. You are kind of an idiot, to be honest.

But... you're still epic that way.

You know... you'd have to be confident to do those things.

So you're a confident idiot.

Though I'm not sure if that's an insult or complement.

Ahh well.

-Survivor Fan

Dear Alex;

Yeah, well, okay, biotch.

I feel like a snot by saying this,

but I can't wait until tomorrow.

To see you cry. It's what you get for being a jerk.

-Ex best friend

Dear Riley;

You're not normal, are you?


Dear Hayat, Heaven, and Adiyam,

No, I don't find your prank calls entertaining,

And no, you're not cool for doing them.

It's darn right annoying to be honest, and if you do it again, I won't be very happy.

Quit it.

- Ksenia :)

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