Dear (Insert Name Here),


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Dear Cold,

Go away. I hate you! Yes, I know hate is a strong word, but it's true. It feels like I've had sandpaper stuffed down my throat, and you kept me up all last night by making my nose run. I really hate you, so go away. Why jump into unsuspecting people? What did they ever do to you? Nobody likes you, you know that? So go die in a hole.


Dear Teri's Cold,

Yeah you heard her!!!>:|



Dear Mommy,

I'm sorry for buying so much with my credit card,but if you would've been in that store,you wouldn't have restrained yourself like the oh-so responsible me!!!


Dear _ _ _ _,

I miss you.

It's only been three days.

I officially hate holidays.

- Anonymous stranger.

Dear Day Light Savings,

Why oh why do you have to make it become dark at SIX?!

It's ridiculous.

But then again I love being all snug and cozy in bed,

While it's all dark and gloomy outside.

I have mixed feelings for you.

- Some kid.

Dear Cold,

I'm doing all I can to fight you. I'm unblocking my nose with nasal spray, taking my medicine (even though it's disgusting) and drinking plenty of orange juice. So don't think you'll wil this battle because you won't!


Dear, Addison

I love you and will always be on your side.

Dear, Conscious

I FREAKING HATE U RIGHT NOW! Let me do what I want without nagging me!

Dear Jess,

I know you asked me to call you but I forgot. Sorry.

You'll probably come up later, so I'm guessing I'm going to have to get ready.

- Keeley

Dear ______,

Tomorrow. Maybe. Tomorrow.

I'm actually pretty excited now.

- Keeley x

Dear 'RawrWaffles' person on MLIA;

Yeah. So it's my first MLIA I got published.

Now you're ruining my day when I already said in TC; "Made My Week"

You're Beth, aren't you?

-Kristin / DamnPirates

Dear MLIA;

Two posted in one day? Awesome.

Unfortunately, people don't like the "gullible" one.

And the "kit-kat" one has been made sexual.

Yeah, I don't think I want to read you anymore. .__.


Dear Nickle;

Thank you oh so much for the wonderful Princess-Minnie-Mouse-Pink-Disney hat :) Best. Birthday. Present. Ever.



Dear _ _ _ _ _;;

I'm still not sure how I feel. Sorry.



Dear stupid cupcake;;

Over you. Now go fxck her before I change my mind.


dumb brownie

Dear Heart;;

...Do I like him? Or do I just like him as a friend?

- Confused.


Dear This Week;;

Be good! :D



Dear hot chocolate powder,

Restock yourself. I'm having hot chocolate cravings here D:




Dear TC,

Stop being dead.



Dear Adventurequest

Why so nerdy?Oh, and while you're at being nerdy, get me a membership D:<

Yours Sincerely


Dear Holidays,

End already.

I want my school.

Well, the friends part of it.

And the him part of it.


- Ksenia.

Dear Georgia,

Get on Skype.

I wanna organize sum'fin.

- Ksenia.

Dear Dinner,

I'm coming right now.

- Your murderer.

Dear Cold(once again),

Well, you're not really a cold anymore, so Dear Cough,

Haha! You're going down! I'm fighting you hard, I'm winning, you're almost gone!


Dear Journey;

um.... no. Just no.

-Ignored TCer

Dear Mrs. Harris;

So... 3 saxophones? Cool.

I must get my grabby little hands on one.

-The girl who plays 1st Trumpet

Dear Derrik;

Kso... 5 clarinets, 4 baritones, 3 saxophones, 2 tubas, and a partridge in a pear tree?

Band class is awesome.

-Girl with the unknown name

Dear Riley;

So let me get this straight...

You carry me on your shoulders, and Anthony on your back?

Suure... whatever works, I guess?

-The girl who you scared the shet out of in Phys Ed called Kristin.

Dear cookie,

I love you. I smelled you from across the room, and you looked very scrumptious. It doesn't matter if my sister didn't eat you yet, she'll never notice you're gone... and please, don't take this personally, but... *chomp*


Dear Em;

Really? Must you make everything akward?




Dear Romeo;

You better rock that reading or I'm going to kill you.




Dear Ditzy Friends;

My shirt wasn't too hard to understand.

It was a pair of scissors covering paper's eyes & saying 'Guess Who?'

Obviously, the scissors are going to cut the paper.



Your smart xss friend.

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