Dark Amethyst's V2 Log


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Dark Amethyst

Mar 23, 2015
Reaction score
Hello, my name is Ame. I've decided to keep a log about my current Tamagotchi and its predecessors. Each entry will be short and sweet, with minimal photos.​
Two days ago I acquired a beautiful V2 and decided to put batteries into it. The oldest I'd had was a V3, so it's been quite an experience so far. This is the V2 below:​
Though I'd never seen the shell before nor found it on Project Tamashell I was delighted to know that, with the lack of antenna, that I'd be experiencing something new. Well, not new to the world, but new to me.​
After booting it up I found it was a V2, and hatched a baby girl, who I then named Mabel.​
She was extremely needy as a baby, but a bit more lenient when she evolved into Hitodetchi.​
Earlier today, Mabel evolved into Young Mametchi, and has been pretty medium maintenance. Though she does call out a lot for no reason, especially when I'm busy. She probably does it on purpose, too.​
I've been playing Heading and Bump a lot with her too, which I'm pretty decent at. I am hoping that she will evolve into Hanatchi or Mimitchi when the time comes, though I am not picky.​

Name: Mabel

Generation: 1st

Training: 4 bars

Age: 1 Tamayear

Weight: 49 lbs.

Gotchipoints: 971p

Thank you, Eternal Mametchi Fan!​
This morning Mabel evolved into a Mametchi, which I (accidentally) equipped with the Stuffed Animal costume. I've been playing the Slot game with her which is easy money, at least in my eyes. She's been very well behaved so far.​
Though Mametchi isn't entirely what I was aiming for, I did realize that, after looking at a V2 growth chart, that it was impossible to get what I wanted on the first generation anyways. Perhaps maybe next generation I can try for Hanatchi or Mimitchi.​

Name: Mabel

Gender: Female

Generation: 1st

Training: Full

Age: 4 Tamayears

Weight: 72 lbs

Gotchipoints: 144p

The matchmaker appeared today and gave Mabel a baby boy!​
I'm still brainstorming names, but hopefully I'll have one before she leaves him alone with me. I'm thinking maybe something simple, like Red or Flint. I'll think of something.​

Name: Mabel

Gender: Female

Generation: 1st (moving on to second!)

Training: Full

Age: 6 tamayears

Weight: 99 lbs (should probably play some games)

Gotchipoints: 230p (definitely gonna play some games)

Hello! I apologize for being gone for so long, I had a bit of a busy two weeks.
Allow me to fill you in briefly about my past two generations:
Generation Two was my lovely Memetchi Aiden, who was extremely independent - I barely had to check on him at all, even at his child and teen stages! It was nice at the time, but I wish I did get to spend more time with him whenever I had a break in my busy schedule.
After he left me with his son, Tim (seems very simple, but he's named after Tim Wright from Marble Hornets), he seemed to follow the same evolution steps as Mabel, until he reached his adult stage as Nyorotchi. He just loves to strut with a bow in his nonexistant hair, haha!
He should be visited by the Matchmaker in the next day or two! I'm looking forward to see what gender his baby is!

Name: Tim

Gender: Male

Generation: 3rd

Training: Full

Age: 5 tamayears

Weight: 86 lbs

Gotchipoints: 549p


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