daisy's tamagotchi log !


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dainty daisy

New member
May 7, 2011
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  • Hello everybody ^__^ I'm Jade!
    Well, I decided to make a Tamagotchi log since it'd be nice to look back on all of the generations, or at least it would be nice for me ;D
    But anyway - depending on when I get my batteries, I'm hoping to be running V4.5's and V4's, but for now I only have my one V4.5 - which is a Female named Yuki.
    I started her up yesterday, and right now she is a zouritchi. I've been working hard on her gorgeous points (since I'm hoping for a Hanagatatchi (it just looks so glamorous!)
    However, if I don't get that tamagotchi I'll be happy simply by advancing to generation 2! > 3<
    Moving on to the stats! :
    Hungry: ♥♥♥♥
    Happy: ♥♥♡♡
    Training: ▎▎▎
    Funny: 56
    Gorgeous: 100
    Spiritual: 31
    Point: 2405p
    Her growth so far has been;;
    Tsubutchi > Tamatchi > Zouritchi
    Keeping my fingers crossed for a UraMemetchi next time she evolves!
    Oh, I didn't get a chance to photograph her on my actual tamagotchi, so I screenshot her whilst I was on tama-town, expect an actual picture tomorrow, though! x 3

    Moving on from all the technical things hehe.. ^__^; --
    She's now asleep and has another few days until she'll actually evolve, until then I'll be working on games and getting those gotchi points incase there are any tickets available in the shop! (I already have one for france, waiting patiently for her to become an adult hehe..)
    Yuki also got robbed today ;^; it was only a couple hundred points, but that's not the point! She also got quite a few poop in the mail and a couple snakes.. what is it with tama's and their disgusting ways?!

    That's all for now though, I'll blog more tomorrow!
    Thank you for reading, goodnight from Yuki and myself! (feel free to PM me if you enjoyed this blog.)


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  • Hey guys! ^__^
    Well as promised, here's a picture of Yuki!

    so cute..owo'
    Anyway, moving on to the stats - I didn't really have a lot of time to play games with her today, revision for exams D;
    Hungry: ♥♥♥♥
    Happy: ♥♥♥♥
    Training: ▎▎▎▎▎
    Funny: 81
    Gorgeous: 100
    Spiritual: 35
    Points: 655p
    The king came today as well, he dropped off a pencil! Better than a burglar I suppose..
    The little cutie's asleep now but I did manage to capture a few snaps of her, here she is in the bath:

    And here's a close-up of her, at first I thought she wasn't very cute, but she's growing on me and I think she's adorable now!!

    Look at her smile! *squee*
    Well, that's about it for now.. nothing major happened - but tomorrow I should be able to set up my other 4.5 and v4! Which means that *fingers crossed* Yuki will have a partner o wo! & I'm setting up my v4 because I miss it <3
    Thank you for reading, I'll update more tomorrow! ^__^ PM me if you enjoyed it or have any suggestions.

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