mine looked at an island but it didn't live on it.iv got a UFO and yesterday, when mywas flying to a place, i clicked on the button C and he crashed on the island. Now he is living on there! it´s SO cool!!You guys try it for yourself!!!
i think you're spamming. and the UFO (to the person that didn't know ) looks like a clown's hat. it's 5000 points. buy it, it's a good thing to haveWho tricked you?
I also love theI suppose i´ll have to get a pen and click the reset button on the back and then click:download.
-Oh, well. Here goes!!-
(clicks download and......)
PHEW!!! He´s back to normal!!!!!!
I will NEVER let my sister touch my precious tama again....!
Its real,my best mates got one and it goes to france and everything. Its so cool! its a normal v2!Is this a glitch? Or it's real?I will try it when my tama becomes an adult.
there are 2 kinds of UFO's. one of them is an rc ufo, and the other is a ufo that your tama can ride inwhat do you mean flying somewhere? Where was it flying? Because I have had two UFO and they didn't fly places!