Connection V5 = Familitchi


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Your right bludycomicsinc

but it could came out in another country because i live in australia but it might not come out here but it does in every other country the can supply them.

:p :) :angry: ;) :angry:

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All the on-screen text in the FamiTama is Japanese. :) I expect the on-screen text in the V5 will be English.
so it will be the same as the Japanese Familichi?

but in English?

im soo confused... :p

I only just found out about the familitchi yesterday whilst looking for tamagotchi updates as I have become quite bored of the others. It took quite a while but I realised that if you type in famitama to there were 5 on offer.I bout it yesterday and it has been shipped today. Its the japanese version thou as i dont like the look of the english/american ones that are due to release soon.but my friend who collects them with me is waiting for an english we will compare them when they both arrive. I find it more fun in japanese anyway xxx

All the on-screen text in the FamiTama is Japanese. :blink: I expect the on-screen text in the V5 will be English.
Sweet, so the Famitama and connection v5 are gonna be EXACTLY the same?? (except v5 is in english)

TMCnet has posted a "2008 Toy Preview" article here, dated today (October 15, 2007), in which they make the following comment.
"In the youth electronics arena, Bandai's Tamagotchi virtual pet brand grows with Connection V5 and its new theme, Familitchi, through which kids get to raise, simultaneously, multiple Tamagotchi characters. How the clan fares depends on how all the siblings are cared for."

There is no indication of an actual release date.

Proof it will be in the UK as well...

I went to Target, Wal Mart,and Toys r us today. They Didn't have it. :lol: ;)

I went to Target, Wal Mart,and Toys r us today. They Didn't have it. :D   ;)
i might be going on the seventh or eighth, for this very reason: they might be getting it at midnight. i saw the news, talking about some toy that wasnt tamas, and they said the toy store would get this popular toy at midnight. so dont feel disappointed if you look today and dont find it. of course, there also might be a coincidince where the store holds them for a day to do LED tests . LED is a poison found in some paints, this is the reason for all these baby toys being recalled ( thomas the train, elmo, ect. ) obviously, a 4 years + kid wont stick a tama is his/her mouth, but they will lick thier fingers. the toy store owners dont wanna have thier money-making toys recalled, but they can send them back, tell them to get rid of the LED, and get it back afterward. besides, you can never be too carefull....

:) hope i helped, cecib :)

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I saw the news, talking about some toy that wasn't tamas.
Off Topic: What was the toy's name that was on the news,cecib?

On Topic: We only found the V5 accesories! They were:

;) Tamawatchi (Tamagotchi Watches)

B) Activity Kits

The motto is "We are Familitchi!"

i might be going on the seventh or eighth, for this very reason: they might be getting it at midnight. i saw the news, talking about some toy that wasnt tamas, and they said the toy store would get this popular toy at midnight. so dont feel disappointed if you look today and dont find it. of course, there also might be a coincidince where the store holds them for a day to do LED tests . LED is a poison found in some paints, this is the reason for all these baby toys being recalled ( thomas the train, elmo, ect. ) obviously, a 4 years + kid wont stick a tama is his/her mouth, but they will lick thier fingers. the toy store owners dont wanna have thier money-making toys recalled, but they can send them back, tell them to get rid of the LED, and get it back afterward. besides, you can never be too carefull....

;) hope i helped, cecib B)
ya it is true. Because for the V4 bandai said they were bringing it to Canada and the United states in january 7th, but it came a week after. ;)

ya it is true. Because for the V4 bandai said they were bringing it to Canada and the United states in january 7th, but it came a week after. :furawatchi:
i got my v4 in december 3rd, 2006 they had them out in stores then...

so......the v5 is coming maybe in the 3rd week of January....

i can wait.

Off Topic: What was the toy's name that was on the news,cecib?
i cant renember. the news show was on months ago.... and the lanyards; it would be almost clear they didnt have any LED; but maybe the store you went to is holding back the tamas on purpose to increase popular demand?........ what the heck, i dunno........

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has anyone tried calling toys r us and asking them if they have the v5 familitama in stock, and if they dont when they'll get it?

me and my friend r gunna try that to see if they'll tell us when they get it!

From what ive heard the v5 is going to come with a keychain that is a tamagotchi character.This better come out soon.

I didn't find anything but a few Tamagotchi V4.5s!

I saw the new V5 Gotchi-Gear!

I know these about the v5:

The antenna is a roof,to make it look like a house

There are 2 Japan Designs,Love My Family and House

The motto is "We are Familitchi!"

In the UK,the V5 has a character keychain

It includes Chamametchi,which explains that the movie will come out in the US!

It releases in the UK and US first!

From what ive heard the v5 is going to come with a keychain that is a tamagotchi character.This better come out soon.
yes, they are changing the keychain style. B) no hoop, just the chain, but i cant blame people feeling disappointed they cant find it..... ;)


Can't wait for the V5 to come out, Bandai said it would come out some time in January, ;)

I can't wait to buy one, thanks for posting this Binary! =]

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