Confusing Tama-Go Evolution


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Well-known member
Oct 7, 2010
Reaction score
Te Waipounamu
My Tama-Go was Belltchi, and took horrible care of it aiming for Chuchutchi, but I got Shelltchi? I took horrible care of my Shelltchi hoping for Pipotchi, but I got Lovelitchi?

Nobody knows if the tama-go really works that way, sooo, consider your self lucky I took awsome care of mine and ednded un w/chuchutchi

:p Well here is a list of things to effect your tama character....

Know when they are going to change. (Adult in particular)

When you know they are close to changing... (Hour or so) Check thier hearts.

Now here is the weird part. They have 5 hearts on Hunger and Happniess. The levels are...

Bad, Poor, Okay, Good, Great (Each with a fraction of the hearts covered...)

(Bad 1/5, Poor 2/5, Okay 3/5, Good 4/5, Great 5/5) Both on Hunger anf Happiness.

Now I'm sure you've veiwed a growth chart by now.... Some of them label the care they take. Find one of those and then it will tell you the level of care you need. Fill the hearts to corrispond/match with the "Level Meter" (In Red)

Yes I copied and pasted this... I just didn't feel like re-typing it yet again.

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can some1 help me i have a toddler the blue with yellow beak 1 and i dont know how to get kurumametchi

I'm pretty sure training bars mostly affect your tamagotchi's future evolutions, but I may be wrong.

@above: What is the character's name with the blue and yellow beak?

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