Yay, more random boring stuff is here!
I used to write really random stuff in journals/notebooks. When I was six or seven I would write dolphin facts, guides on how to draw dolphins and other stuff like that. When I was eight and nine I just spammed on TamaChat all day and didn't write. Then I suddenly started writing again when I was ten or eleven, and I'd write incredibly weird stuff about Tamas, TamaTalk, school and people I didn't like, with a lot of swearing and abbreviations and text talk.
I also had this random paragraph about one of my friends that I wrote when I was 9. Every time I got a new "best friend", I'd just cross out the old one's name in the paragraph and replace it with the new friend's name. I didn't find it funny at the time but now I do.
Then, around my 12th birthday, I got fed up of the annoying weird stuff in the notebooks and stayed up until midnight one night ripping them up with various things I didn't recognise that came from a manicure set. A lot of the stuff in the notebooks had been written with nail polish then the book had been closed before it dried, meaning some of the pages were stuck together. I still ripped them up though.
Also, I find it hard to understand ads that are hard to understand. For example, the one above this post - "Soothes Dry Eye Sensation - artificial tears instant comfort easy to use 10ml dropper". A dropper is a thing in Minecraft I use to store torches. So this ad is for a thing that will drop 10ml of liquid torches on your eye.