I am totally against abortion. You never know, you could be killing another Picasso, or Einstein. Christians, like me, use condoms, birth control pills, but not many use female condoms. There are perfectly good reasons why a married couple would want to have sex without children.
Ice Mountain, it's absolutely fine that you don't agree with abortions, but keep in mind other people have different opinions. Commanding others not to do it probably isn't the best way to share your opinions. Maybe it would've been better to say "Abortion is against nature! I don't do it!"
In my native peoples class, we learned about a tribe that lives in northern Canada. (I want to say it was Inuit, but I'm not 100% sure.) They believed that a baby did not have a soul until it was given a name. In their culture, it was okay to kill a newborn baby
if the baby had not been named yet, and the tribe was suffering from a severe lack of food.
Living in such a harsh environment, they would be under serious threat of starvation every decade or so. If a food shortage came and the baby was not killed, there was a very good chance that both the mother and child would die. The mother just wouldn't have enough food for both herself and nursing. By sacrificing the baby, the tribe would have a much better chance at survival. Keep in mind these people had no access any form of birth control whatsoever.
Is it wrong to believe a newborn doesn't become a human until it is given a name? Is it right given the circumstances? Before you condemn people, think where they're coming from.
I personally do not believe that a fetus is a human being during early pregnancy. It is a collection of functioning cells. It is doing nothing but absorbing nutrients and dividing itself; plants do this. It is something
capable of becoming a human being, but it is not yet. If I treated this as a human being, then I would treat all sperm and eggs as human beings, since they are equally capable of becoming human beings. This is impossible, as I would commit murder once a month when I have my period. After a certain point, say after 3 months, the fetus begins to differentiate enough that I would consider it a human being.
Sorry for the long post, but I think this is a fascinating topic!