September 2008 Contest Winner
1: Religion
2: Politics........
1: Religion
2: Politics........
Which is why one of my friendships is doomed to fail, because all she wants to talk about is Jesus and when I told her I didn't believe in him she got really corny with me. 'Oh then you must worship the devil 'cause Jesus only likes good people' and I just left afer that. e_e2 things TO NEVER DISCUSS BETWEEN FRIENDS
1: Religion
2: Politics........
I have an additional statement 8D Hahaha. xDActually... in a way I have always envied those who are religious. Those who are religious have a moral force within them, a reason to be good and not be rude to anyone, even with forgiveness. They have a place to go when they die, meaning they don't just die and that's it.
I, on the other hand, have no religion. I believe that once we die, that is the end. I believe that there is no real reason to please everyone or be kind, except for my own moral good. And I also believe that there is no force greater than us, that can control how the world behaves, meaning that any natural disaster will not just solve itself...
The last person who told me that to my face got a pencil shoved into their hand ^.^ Biggots like that drive me crazy.Which is why one of my friendships is doomed to fail, because all she wants to talk about is Jesus and when I told her I didn't believe in him she got really corny with me. 'Oh then you must worship the devil 'cause Jesus only likes good people' and I just left afer that. e_e
I knowThe last person who told me that to my face got a pencil shoved into their hand ^.^ Biggots like that drive me crazy.
Thats reminds me of what one of my friends does too. She is obsessed with god, I Dont believe in God at all and i told her. And she started crying. And i was like "Holy cow, no need to act like a 3 year old..again" (she's very immature for her age. She is 12 years old and she STILL watches barney...ew) And she spazzed on me saying "Dont say holy cow! you're saying God's name in Vain."Which is why one of my friendships is doomed to fail, because all she wants to talk about is Jesus and when I told her I didn't believe in him she got really corny with me. 'Oh then you must worship the devil 'cause Jesus only likes good people' and I just left afer that. e_e
Saying something like 'Don't say holy' reminds me of the problems people had around Christmas with people saying 'xmas' rather than typing out the whole word. It apparently 'offended' some people, which is why I hate it when people pick one word out of a language and decides that it's offensive to them and others need to censor that word around them.Thats reminds me of what one of my friends does too. She is obsessed with god, I Dont believe in God at all and i told her. And she started crying. And i was like "Holy cow, no need to act like a 3 year old..again" (she's very immature for her age. She is 12 years old and she STILL watches barney...ew) And she spazzed on me saying "Dont say holy cow! you're saying God's name in Vain."and im like "And i care about God's name because?"
No offence ppl, i just dont Believe in God at all.
1: Religion
2: Politics........
1) that was rude of herWhich is why one of my friendships is doomed to fail, because all she wants to talk about is Jesus and when I told her I didn't believe in him she got really corny with me. 'Oh then you must worship the devil 'cause Jesus only likes good people' and I just left afer that. e_e
yes i just quoted myself, sorry about all of that. and i'm truely sorry if i offended anyone.Well umm....I'm am cathalic and proud!But umm.... when you kill someone your taking away there life that god made! Thats very hard to forgive someone. Its in the ten commandments. i do believe in God but if you dont that your proublem not mine! But if you are a bad person and do horrible things, your not gonna go to heaven. You can say all the stupid scientific crap you want. I really dont care. <_< But if you think about it. We are not just here on earth. You know? like we cant just magicly come here. Something had to make us!
And that person was our lord. Yes i do believe in Jesus. If you dont believe in god or Jesus there is like no point in christmas!? Christmas is Jesus Birthday and if you dont believe in Jesus whats christmas? No its not just a winter holiday. No its not some present day X( anyways NO FLAMEWARS!!!!!! I HAVE AN OPINON TO!
Yay! I get a cookie!I don't really have a religion...I wasn't baptised or anything I had a naming ceremony.
I still have the dress from it.
So yeah...
Sorry for this it's off-topic:
Cookies for all from *Summer*