Yeah.. um no... sorry. But I know someone who would like to talk about church, their name istamaw/pants.
lol, yeah
Jesus Freak and PROUD!
yep. i havent ever finished the Bible cover to cover- not even close, but i do my devotionals and might attempt it
actualy, i really started knowing Jesus better and more personaly this summer when my grandpa was sick, he almost died. i had to hold on to Him to make throught these hard times.
"I will never leave you nor forsake you"- Jesus/God, somewhere in the Bible.
Just adding onto what rachelgotchi said about Jews, Jews do believe that Jesus was real, but they didnt, dont, believe He was their savior because they were expecting Him to come down, destroy their enemies (at that time i think it was the romans) and rule as an earthly king.
BUT, instead Jesus came down, son of a virgin, a lowly carpenter's son.
i have a question for a Mormon. who do you think Jesus was/is?
i was just wondering because we believe that He was our savior, but dont yall believe He was just a good guy, another prophet? just wondering.
as you can see, this is my favorite topic on which to talk about!