Can you control your dreams?


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I control them all the time. I often find myselfdreaming action-packed things, like running away from people, flying, sword fighting elves and the such. If something too scary happens, I cn always change it. I especially love flying in my dreams, or being able to time travel in my dream. I love to dream! :(

When you are able to control your dream thats called a lucid dream.(I think, I'm not sure though)

And yes, I've had those dreams before.

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I don't think that's exactly the same thing as a Lucid dream. The wikipedia says:
"A lucid dream is a dream in which the person is aware that he or she is dreaming while the dream is in progress. During lucid dreams, it is often possible to exert conscious control over the dream characters and environment, as well as to perform otherwise physically impossible feats. Lucid dreams are known to be extremely real and vivid."
That was exactly liek my dream!


I controlled what everybody said and said, and I didn't some impossible things. It seemed VERY real and was in full color. I knew I was dreaming, and I was aware I could control people.


Hehee, perhaps tonight I'll sleep with a spoon on my nose.

I've had a few. I've also had that kind of dream mentioned before abvout something happening in real life at that moment and it enters your dream.... Here's the story: I used to be OBSESSED with that song "Bad Day" by Daniel Powter. I had the song on repeat on my CD player when I was asleep that night. The dream itself had NOTHING to do with the song, but during the whole dream, the song was playing in the background out of nowhere. o_O I also remember wondering in the dream why it was doing that. I was really confused. I've also had some real lucid dreams, ones I could actually control. I don't really know how I do it, it just happens randomly. :D

omg sometimes when im dreaming ill say something to someone in that dream or ill think "im dreaming," one time i was dreaming and i was walking with poeple i dont recognize, and i was like "its ok, were all just dreaming, maybe if we blink our eyes three times we'll wkae up" and it worked!!!! it was soooo weird and it happens every so often

(meowbark @ Nov 7 2007, 02:33 PM)I can't. It is random and retarded dreams mainly. I wish I could, then I would have awesome dreams!
XD same here meowbark :D well I think I can I'll try tonight but usually I don't know when I'm dreaming lol! But I'll try I'll dream of something random for sure XD! I usually dream about my family and friends and being at Disney world - gosh I miss that place - lol or of doing stupid stuff with my favorite cartoon characters XD lol it's fun!! Nottytama same thing here I shut my eyes closed tight in my dream once and I woke up it was weird wasn't it? Yeah this is my longest response ever lol!
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I tried some basic steps last night on how to get lucid dreams.


I turned on some relaxing music on low volume, closed my eyes and imagined a bright like pointing onto my forehead, and imagined myself doing a numerous amount of things in my head and reminding myself that its a dream. These steps I found online, and have been tested by thousands of people and it has worked.

I was supposed to keep thinking of that white light on my forehead until I fell asleep, but my mind drifted elsewhere. Oops!

It didn't work. I had some dreams, but none of them I could control, and none of them were vivid or lifelike.


Tonight I'm trying the ''spoon on nose'' thing.

That was exactly liek my dream! 

I controlled what everybody said and said, and I didn't some impossible things. It seemed VERY real and was in full color. I knew I was dreaming, and I was aware I could control people.


Hehee, perhaps tonight I'll sleep with a spoon on my nose.
I always have lucid dreams!

Real color, real people, real talking, and smells!

And most of the time nothing happens.

Lol, Tamagirl_Desy!

Last night I was having this pretty realistic dream (going to a school danc,e but forgetting that it was a dance and didn't bring nice clothes) and I wanted to change it up a bit. So, surprinsgly, I DID change it. I magically teleported (xD) to my house and I invited all my friends over. Then, I decided I wanted the dream to be I made someone knock on all the windows. But soon I was actually getting scared in the dream, so I made the person who was kocking on the windows turn out to be this guy from my class. xPThen, this other boy from my class came over and we chatted with people on MSN and I controlled what he said and what he did.



I've never controlled a dream before.

Have you?
Oh that's cool.

lol I can't control dreams, wish I could though. Then I could dream that I go to chocolate land.

I think it's annoying when something really good is about to happen in your dream then you wake up.

I have Lucid Dreams all the time. Most of them start out normal, then take an unexpected turn, so when it gets freaky, I change it.


I fly far away, or, when I'm feeling unimaginative, I make a Smart aleck remark to get the Dream Demons- Yes, DREAM DEMONS. Don't ask.- angry, then I disappear and wake up. Sometimes I even teleport an object out of nowhere, like a sword, a shield, even an army of these little creatures I call Xarliffs. Altogether, it's pretty cool.


Don't copy the word "Xarliff" or any other form of it. I am an author and illustrator of my own books, and it is copyrighted to me.

I control them all the time. I often find myselfdreaming action-packed things, like running away from people, flying, sword fighting elves and the such. If something too scary happens, I cn always change it. I especially love flying in my dreams, or being able to time travel in my dream. I love to dream! :p


...I think I'll make an RP now...

I can never walk in my knees are gone.

Lol, it's a sign! I'm going to get arthritis xD;;

I never have a face or look like myself either o.0

I tried some basic steps last night on how to get lucid dreams. 

I turned on some relaxing music on low volume, closed my eyes and imagined a bright like pointing onto my forehead, and imagined myself doing a numerous amount of things in my head and reminding myself that its a dream. These steps I found online, and have been tested by thousands of people and it has worked.

I was supposed to keep thinking of that white light on my forehead until I fell asleep, but my mind drifted elsewhere. Oops!

It didn't work. I had some dreams, but none of them I could control, and none of them were vivid or lifelike.


Tonight I'm trying the ''spoon on nose'' thing.

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There was a topic like this awhile ago and I had read it. It was saying stuff like check the newpaper in a dream and look at a clock and then I had a lucid dream- in a dream- but it wasn't really lucid. xP

Crazy, anyway but I would LOVE to be able to do that. I've had less sleep than usualy recently so I am able to remember my dreams pretty much every time. :]

I wonder how you can control your dreams. The closest I have ever come to that was being aware that I was in a dream and then being able to wake myself up.

I wonder how you can control your dreams. The closest I have ever come to that was being aware that I was in a dream and then being able to wake myself up.
There are numerous books and even webistes. Just search 'tips for lucid dreams' and a bunch of sites pop up!

It's so cool- I'm going to try to have some. :3

Aww it didn't work because I had short dreams last night hopefully tonight they'll be a little longer so I can try lol!

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