Bruises, bumps, splinters and lumps.


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I tried to cut myself again last night.

I just kind of scratched my skin badly.

But other than that I'm fine.

I totally just slingshotted my bracelet into my lip. D:

And I believe it's bleeding?

Eh. I have several bruises on my legs as well, like alwaysss..

Other than that, I seem to be very injury-free lately. o: xD

I trip a lot, causing scratches, sometimes cuts.. not really. I tripped on a flat surface into a board a few weeks ago. xD

Right now I have 2 bruises on different parts of my knee from soccer. ooh, and a cut from scratching my leg against the table =\


I just scraped my fuingernail on the carpet by accident.

And now I have a pin stuck under my fingernail. Owch.

I have a lovely scratch between my ****s thanks to my pointy nails.

and a lovely scratch down my stomach thanks to Fatty the Cat.

A small scratch on my arm from getting my first HPV vaccine yesterday(Not a dot, a scratch. I blame it on myself 'cause I wanted to yank my arm away when I felt the vaccine itself slowly seeping into my body. I must have actually tried to do it without realizing). It didn't start hurting until yesterday afternoon...ow...

Numerous bruises. They all happened at different times.

Other than that I've actually managed to stay injury-free, for once.

Tama :D Phantom

I have a cut on my left knuckle because I had a compus in my pocket and put my hand in it.

A scar on my wrist burned myself on the iron.

My fingernail is hanging off because I fell of the slide at the park.

And a small bruise near my toenail because John put the chair on my foot and sat down my accident.

Oh yeah and I have a bruise on my ankle I dunno how that got there..

Not really that much..

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I managed to give myself a foot cramp last week. xD

I was leaning over into the shower to weakly wash the hairspray+mousse+styling gel out of my hair without shampooing it. But that's not the main point.

I was up on my tippy-toes but I also tightened my ankles and I ended up making a bone poke out of my foot. Don't ask me how I fixed it.

Owwies, Maria, owwies.

I was playing badminton inside while sitting on the chair and managed to fall.

Mum wasn't very impressed since it caused a scratch on the wooden floor. D:

Since I have time now, I'll tell you how I fixed my foot.

I tried poking the bone back into place, but it didn't work. I remembered how to fix it properly, because I had done it twice before. I crashed into the shower and I pulled the top of my foot back like, 90 degrees and then the bone kind of clicked into the right spot.

Not a pretty sight, my foot was.

I have a small scratch on my left hand from my long nails, a bruise on my hip and knee from falling (I'm clumsy TT.TT), and 2 scrapes on my hands from falling.

And the scratch on my hand looks like 2 little pimples! :D I'M NOT PROUD OF THAT!!!!! > :wub:

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I somehow managed to involuntarily jab my fingernail into the skin of my thumb. Now I have a cut and a scab that is just beckoning for me to pick at it and make it bleed. I'll have to resist that urge. x.x It kinda stings, come to think of it...

I had a minor bruise from accidentally hitting my hand on the gong. .___.'

I have two big-ish cuts on my ring finger. From what, I cannot tell you, for I do not know. My fingers seem to be the target of lots of little cuts and scabs.

I think last week I sprained my right index when throwing a basketball into a game.

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