Bruises, bumps, splinters and lumps.


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Yeah, I get heaps of bruises EVERYWHERE. Last week I was running around at school when I banged my shin against a wooden bench. It was grazed then, but now it's just bruised. ;~; . And I also had this MASSIVE bruise on my thigh. Seriously not fun. And I have all these little scratches down my arms and hands from my aunties kitten, Alfie. He treats my hand like a bird >_>


I have this random bug bite on my leg. xDD It came out of nowhere.

And a bruise on my head. o__o Can't figure out what it's from, though. o:<

I've had two random nosebleeds, hit my head about five times, cut myself climbing trees (I'm not emo, the branches were sharp), been bitten by my cat five times, And have seven band-aids on my hands right now. :) I'm accident-prone, But I wear my injuries like badges of courage!

I randomly fall over sometimes because theres something wrong with my joints like, they arent connected properly. It's really dangerous :D

I don't have any scabs or anything at the moment though. Only heaps and heaps of scars... and I mean heaps. My arms and thighs are covered in them because I've had heaps of skin conditions and such :p I want clear skin! I hate it when people have like...2 scars on their leg and they sit there saying 'omg my skin is SOOO bad' grrr I just want to scream at them.... it makes me feel so crappy.

I have a bruise that is mini horse hoof shaped on my thigh. He and I were playing, and he accidentally got me when he bucked.

I have tons of bruises and scratches from tubing this weekend, because Nicole's mom goes rough. :p

I burned the palm of my hand a few minuets ago making tea for my mum.

Edit- Forgot to write how.

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Both my knees are all scraped up, one knee from slipping and dragging my knee on the ground while riding my bike, the other when I hit a rock on my longboard x). My ankles have little cuts all over them as well, I don't even know how I got most of them.

I have cat claw marks on my right ****. Fatty didn't want a hug.

I have scratches all up my legs from something.

I have a humungous bruise on my hip.

The sidewalk was too small so I banged into the streetlamp post. D:

A few bug bites, like 2.



Whats weird is that when I get a bruise, I'm all like no big deal. But when I get a paper cut, I feel like crying.


I have these random little cuts on my legs and hands. D:

I think they're from my dogs scratching me by mistake. x__o

Yesterday, I was in French and dropped my pen. When I was picking it up, I hit the side of my head behind my ear really hard on the desk. Now I have a bump the size of a bowling ball.

I got a huge cut on the back of my hand a few days ago... I was going to look in my parents' big mirror, then I tripped and my hand scraped against this really sharp thingy on the dresser. Dx

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