Brad and Thora's Log


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Nov 17, 2006
Reaction score
Right now he is asleep.

I just got my tamagotchi yesturday but i didn't start this log till today.

Name: Brad

G: 1






Gender: Boy



He is a wake


Hes been pretty good so far Ive only given him one time out. He went to sleep good and his is happy with all the stuff I got him. So far he has: Wings, A passport, Key 1, Key2, A map, A textbook, Acomputer, A medal, A skateborad, balloon, Abaseball cap, A teddybear, A rare disc poster 1, A bandai ribbon, A suitcasea, and A trophy.


He's been bouncing around alot. He eats a lot too so far he has had some ceral, a scone an apple and an ice cream cone. Add a tart to tha list. He loves to play games and he has only gone on the floor once this morning.

Well that it for now!!

Have a tama great day


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Good new he has gained 4lbs in just a few minutes.

More fast replys later,


This is from Brad

Hey guys my names Brad and I LOVE my owner. She is really nice and loves to have fun but no one in her class likes her thats why she bought me so please dont be mad or angry at her for any typo.MY OWNER ROCKS *dances*



Brads getting bigger by the secong he is now 29 lbs but he is still bouncing a round and not doing much more.

Tama greetins


Brad is now a year old and he wieghs 85 lbs. He also evoled and now he looks like theis: :D

Im soo happy and so is brad.


Hi it's me Brad again and I'd just like to say that it is fun being a year old I love it, its so fun and i can do things I never did before.


Ya he get hyper some time but nothing a tama owner like myself can't handle.

Hope you have a very Tama day


His current stats are:

Hungry: 4

Happy: 4

Training: 1

years: 1

Weight: 34

Points: 2688

I'm glad that his is growing. I give snacks every so often but thats only an apple or two so he stays healthy. I deafenetly dont want him to die. He is sleeping right know he probably wont wake up till 8 am tomorrow

Have a tama great day

Thora :rolleyes:


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