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Oh I just love boys! I'd like a boyfriend and I've got my eye on a few boys that are so cute! Maybe not the best looking... but they're really nice and this one guy, he has the CUTEST voice! I remember this ne time, I over heard him say "hi tiffany" and I was like "oh my god thats oto cute!!" he's a freshman though... BUT I COULD CARE LESS! ^^

nope, no boyfriend. in love with someone though...<3

i've never had a boyfriend....hehe. x)

Yeah, I have a boyfriend. *huggles him* He's so nice and cute and EEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love having a boyfriend. I don't really like being single, but if I am single I won't go desperate and ask anyone out. I'll wairt for the right guy to come along.

Well, there is one guy who just moved into my in just at this moment...he is realllllllllyyyy cute. I hope there is a house warming party.........

[SIZE=7pt]I said no.[/SIZE]

Unless 'going out' (i.e hiding from each other) for a week counts.

Nope, I'm not ALLOWED to date till I'm 16 according to my parents.

Yup. But I don't want to go out with him. I never did. I only see him as a friend.

This is what I get for not knowing how to to say 'no'.

*sigh* I'm with someone I don't want and wanting another person I can't have.

I have a ton of guy friends. Pretty much everyone who doesn't know me just thinks I'm some huge flirt, but I just don't seem to fit in well with many other girls. D;

I dumped my boyfriend, so no :furawatchi:

But if you mean a friend who is male, then I have A TON. In fact, I think I only have 5 friends who are girls. And, of coarse, about 20 that are guys. I just don't fit in with the girls at my school.


I care more about School and band, more than boys. You can protest...C=

But I DO have male friends.

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