[SIZE=13pt]o.o ROFL! What the fudge? XD[/SIZE]No, 14 and up is much better. High School is a better place because you get boyfriends to DRIVE.
Why does it matter if he can drive or not? You can still hang out with eachother! o.o'No, 14 and up is much better. High School is a better place because you get boyfriends to DRIVE.
I was the same. I never really fell in love until I was 19. I was just never very attracted until then. I had lots of crushes but they were all like really good friends and not like OMG i'M GONNA MARRY U! In the back of my mind I thought that there was something wrong with me.... like maybe I was a lesbian (my step mother calling me a dyke kinda put that on) but I'm not attracted to girls at all, I did like boys, I liked being around them since I was really young and I found them attractive but ... I just wasn't lusty for them.... plus when you're that young your hormones aren't even working quite right yet..... when you're around 20 they start to mature and, well, things are much more fun...To each his own.
Personally, I don't believe in that stuff.
I'm 13.
Guys don't interest me.
They're good as friends, though.
Fun times, bro. Fun times.![]()
I agree; if it's not serious then it's harmless, which also means it's acceptable to me.Its fine as long as its not 'oh we are in love' and 'i love you babe'