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This is definitely a very controversial subject, and I respect everyone's opinions on the matter. :)

However, I believe it is too young to come to anything, but still harmless. I did have a boyfriend at 11. We didn't actually date or go out together, we were just boyfriend-and-girlfriend. And yeah, it ended after a couple of months, but I learnt what guys were like, etc, in that time. It was never going to come to anything, I knew that. 5th-graders don't often stick around together for a decade then get married!

But I really liked him, and I don't regret it. =) It was 'puppy love', and that's completely fine.

Did you know that kids were actually getting married at 12 years old in the Middle Ages? The human race has seen earlier relationships, people! So yeah, I think having a boyfriend at 11 is fine, but it is just puppy love. :blink:


Well, of course it is. No way you can have a real relationship in 5th or 6th grade.

Now, it's ok to have crushes, but there's no way you can actually date them.

Well, of course it is. No way you can have a real relationship in 5th or 6th grade.Now, it's ok to have crushes, but there's no way you can actually date them.
Crushes usually go away after a while.

11 year olds can pretend to go out but I just HATE it when they're all like "oh I have a boyfriend/girlfriend and I love him/her so much." And usually they think they're in love when they've only gone out a month. -_-

I don't think thats old enougn. You can't go on REAL dates. Your parents driving you ISN'T a really a real date. It might seem that way but you'll think otherwise when you have your own car and can drive you and your date or have you date drive you.

I think it's too young. Sure I'm older but I do not want to have a boyfreind until I'm maybe 15 or 16. Its okay to have crushes on guys. I have had a crush on like 5 guys every year since preschool. Those were the days we would chase the boys in our classes and then they would start chasing us. *sigh* Those were the days...LOL. Srsly I like two guys right now. Every year its at least 1 or more and it's nothing serious. I don't even have that much time to think about guys because of HOMEWORK and SWIM TEAM and PIANO!!! Honestly, live your life while your still single and free. That's my motto.

11 year olds can pretend to go out but I just HATE it when they're all like "oh I have a boyfriend/girlfriend and I love him/her so much." And usually they think they're in love when they've only gone out a month. -_-
I don't think thats old enougn. You can't go on REAL dates. Your parents driving you ISN'T a really a real date. It might seem that way but you'll think otherwise when you have your own car and can drive you and your date or have you date drive you.
You can Taxi, Bus, Or walk! =o

You can Taxi, Bus, Or walk! =o
Well that's totally different. But around here, most things are just so faraway from each other., unless you live by a shopping center, like me =D

Yes, it's too young.

I'm eleven.

I should know.

Now, to all those who say "it's not age it's maturity", think about this. They might think they're mature, when they're not. Like me. I thought I was totally ready, but I wasn't. At all. I look back at myself, and I think, "Wow, I was stupid". So, yes it's too young.

Yes, it's too young.I'm eleven.

I should know.

Now, to all those who say "it's not age it's maturity", think about this. They might think they're mature, when they're not. Like me. I thought I was totally ready, but I wasn't. At all. I look back at myself, and I think, "Wow, I was stupid". So, yes it's too young.
Awesome. Most 11 year olds I know wouldn't be mature enough to say that. But you show that you're mature enough to know you're not mature enough or old enough for a relationship (thats what you said, rght?)

Awesome. Most 11 year olds I know wouldn't be mature enough to say that. But you show that you're mature enough to know you're not mature enough or old enough for a relationship (thats what you said, rght?)
Yesh. *blushes*

Go ahead. I dont care. If you want to end up getting your heart broken fine. Its not like your going to marry them [some might xD]

Dating at a young age is fine, but seriously it's not like they're even going to be serious with it. Dating at my age (Which is what I am doing) Is just like being best friends. Honestly, nothing bad is going to happen. And to the people saying, "It's the age not maturity level!" I completely disagree. People who are at the proper age to be in a mature relationship can be equally as immature as somebody who is under sixteen or whatever the proper age is to date.

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Yeah, it is too young. You're not at the maturity level to deal with it anyway. There are more important things than boys, like say, your future?!
ok lemme get ur say straight...

ur against this but u say we should start thinking about our future!!!hellooooooooo!we are young n ment to have our fun!we experience things and make mistakes...ITS ALL APART OF LIFE...nobody gets it anymore!

umm lemme sort of sum this up onto my opinon...

ive experienced this harshly n im REALLY glad and grateful for EVERYONE who has posted one here..

i actually take on the side,'11 is to young to have a bf/gf.', just a couple of months ago, i dumped my bf just bcuz

he called my friend a really rude name, n i regreted it. he asked out my worst enemy (use to b bestie) n i was crying my self

to sleep. i learnt that it was just a fact of life, im really glad u guys showed me this, ur opions. THANK YOU soo much,

the guy did end up asking my back out n i said yes just making it a slow relationship (example, holding hands n short hugs)

Same. I have...


7th Grade Symphonic Band

7/8th grade Chorus

Band Rehearsals

Chorus rehearsals

Band Lessons

Band Practice


Competitions...Yes..I'll be in one. So happy... ;___;



[SIZE=13pt]...Well in general, it doesn't just matter how mature you may be.[/SIZE]

You have to be ready mentally and physically. Besides even if a kid may feel that he/she is mature enough for a relationship, not everyone else is. Especially at that age.

11 year olds should be playing with friends, pigging out on food, trying hard in school, and shouldn't be worring about boyfriends until later in life.


Look at it in this case...If a girl has her period when she's 14, does that automatically mean she's ready to take care of a baby?

Even if she may feel she's mature enough too? No she can't. Because she's not phsyically ready for the baby.


;o...! In the end...If you date at that age, you'll just get hurt over puppy dog feelings. And end up having a harder time to take a relationship seriously later in life.


SO JUST WAIT! You'll be glad you did. :x

i think you should wait till your at least 12 1/2 or 13
No, 14 and up is much better. High School is a better place because you get boyfriends to DRIVE.

Not old enough for a true relationship. But they should still be able to go out with someone. If it works out, good for them. If it doesn't, it's a learning experience. People don't have to avoid having boyfriends until they're a Senior. It depends on the person's choices.

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