Boy Trouble


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What should I do?

  • Tell him through email

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  • Tell him in person

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  • Don't tell him at all

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  • Other (specify in post)

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  • Wait for a bit (specify in post how long)

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Okay, so I have a best friend who's a boy. He's really nice and funny and he's stuck with me through thick and thin. Well, we've been friends for a few years, about 3, and I started developing a crush on him. I left the school we were at, and he was really sad :( but one of my friends who still goes to the school said he admitted to having a crush on me, too. I really want to tell him how I feel, but I'm afraid of what he'll say. I haven't seen him in a while and I probably won't see him again for a while, either, so I can't tell him in person. We've been talking over email, though. Should I tell him thru email, not tell him at all, or wait? I need some advice here! :)
"~* tamakitty710 *~"
just tell him in person. it so boring on the computor or phone so ask to see him and then tell him you like him. don't be offereactive or too plain. act like you would usally act.

Thanks everyone! I'm going to tell him on Valentine's day, through email though. I don't want it to be too obvious, so I'm going to make him guess! :lol: those are the kinds of jokes we had when we went to the same school. We made eachother guess what we wanted to tell the other person (not all the time. That would get tiring ;- <_< .

i would say dont tell him.

if you are really close friends with a person of opposite gender, these things can screw up the relationship.

i would say dont take the risk.

and plus, if you do tell him, you cant really go any farther that that.

sure you might get the title "girlfriend" or w/e (if yall dont feel awkweird after) but realy, what does that do?

you can be close friends with a guy, its not a rule you have to be b/f-g/f to be good friends. :furawatchi:

The only problem with telling him in person is that I haven't been able to see him yet. And I don't really want the title "girlfriend", I just want him to know/to get it off my mind.

I went through this. I was in love with my best friend for about 8 years. I told him a couple of times and it would make things weird for a while. After being in love with him for 8 years, I got over him and finally moved on. It was then that he wanted to take me out and maybe have a relationship. Funny how things work out. I say tell him, don't give up unless you start doing things that hurt you. For example, if he doesn't want more and you knew it, don't kiss him. You will be the one that ends up hurt. TRUST ME. If you need any personal help, just PM me. I'll be happy to help someone out if I can save them from going through what I went through.

Well, the next time I'll see him is... Like, in April or sometime in the spring. My school had a play each year in the spring and we could invite our friends and family. He promised me he'd invite me! :3 So I'm gonna trust him and see if he'll invite me. I'm guessing he's been busy because the play is Cinderella and he's playing Prince Charming :D I remember we would have "play practice" until 6:30 pm sometimes! And we got a lot of homework... So I'll try emailing him again rite now! :D

I have almost the same problem as you, only that the guy i like, sorry LOVE isnt my best friend.... neway, i told some of my friends that and then tada! they tried to put us together! Now i sit next to him at school! (Im in the 6th grade). My POV is that mostly tell ur friends how you feel about that guy and if ur friends let you practise on telling ur bff that u like him they should let u practise on them.

I would tell him through e-mail since you probably won't see him for a while. Why bother waiting? Just tell him (through e-mail) "that I have been trying to figure out a way I could tell you this so here it goes. I have a crush on you." That is all you basically have to do. I hope I helped!!!!! Good Luck!

Good advice, born_naturalfigureskater122 (Not that everyone else's advice was bad... Everyone's was good! :) ) I can't wait for HIM to make the move because he hasn't been emailing me! :) I emailed him the other night and I haven't gotten a reply.... We'll have to see what happens!

Okay, something weird:

The crush I have is almost EXACTLY like my best friend! (Obviously not the same gender ;) ) They have similar likings, they talk the same, etc. Although I shouldn't worry about them liking eachother. They haven't ever met! :( It's just something weird that I realised a while ago.

I would tell him through e-mail since you probably won't see him for a while. Why bother waiting? Just tell him (through e-mail) "that I have been trying to figure out a way I could tell you this so here it goes. I have a crush on you." That is all you basically have to do. I hope I helped!!!!! Good Luck!
i don't mean to offend ur opinion but he might think its a prank. thats happened before. when people say this and that just to hear what the other has to say. person is best. or you could ask him if he wants to get ice cream with u. just him and u. if he says yes he's either a really good friend or likes you. if he says no he's either not interested or busy.

I just got an email from him! He just got over the stomach flu so he hasn't been at school, and he said he just got on aol to email me! *beams*

umm i think u should what 4 a will,..

i think u should see how he's acten around u

and i would what 4 a couple weeks,....and it would intersing u could see if he asks u frist

Well, he's prolly not gonna ask me anything. He's pretty shy and we don't go to the same school >.< But he seems really happy about me wanting to see him in the play. He has Prince Charming (He's certainly mine! ♥) and the way he's been kind of hinting things is a big give away. I'll durfinitely tell him on Wednesday! ∟_∟

This happened to me, and now we're boyfriend, girlfriend.. I might kiss him on the cheek tomorrow!

I told him and he said, "Ok...." Then he acted like I didn't tell him for a day, then he said, "I like you too..." And we exchanged cards today!

Well, I have some REALLY bad news :furawatchi:

He had a girlfriend, but I guess they broke up. After they broke up, I started liking him. A few days ago, he told me (through email) that he and his ex were back together again.. :ichigotchi: And he seemed REALLY happy about it! :ichigotchi: **Cry** so he kept guessing in my other email (I didn't tell him directly, I told him he would have to guess my secret.) and I just told him it didn't matter any more... :ichigotchi: Did I do the right thing?

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