Boxers or Underwear?


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This is kinda gross. You do know where panties/underwear/boxers go? Well then this is innapropriate. Someone please close this right away. X.X

This is kinda gross. You do know where panties/underwear/boxers go? Well then this is innapropriate. Someone please close this right away. X.X
This is not inappropriate. It is in the serious section, and as long as people are mature about it then it isn't a problem.

I hate the word panties.

Underwear. Underwear with little designs on them like polkadots and monkeys.

Just.. Never call them panties.

This is kinda gross. You do know where panties/underwear/boxers go? Well then this is innapropriate. Someone please close this right away. X.X
I'm sorry if this topic bothers you, but this is a designated section of TamaTalk for members to talk maturely about subjects that have to do with body processes, puberty, tough decisions, emotional issues, etc. Granted, this topic has somewhat lighter subject matter than those that I mentioned, but so far this topic has remained quite acceptable and decent.

We are not talking about anything other than the undies/panties/boxers that everyone sees and purchases when they go into a clothing section of a store. My best advice is that if you find a topic that bothers you, and it has been approved by at least one Guide(such as myself), it's really easy to find one of our many other topics that you won't mind reading. There are lots of options here, so feel free to browse around! :p

I personally don't wear thongs because *shudders* the thought of a piece of elastic up your butt. >.<'

Annnyyywayyyy, in meh house, my mum usually refers thongs as kinky - and something that originally was only worn by p0rn stars, etc.


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