Boxers or Underwear?


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Heh, well I'm a girl, and I've been trying to buy boxers x3 Panties can be a little annoying sometimes, and the designs on the elastic make marks on my waist. I know boxers have elastic, but they at least look a little more comfortable.


EDIT: I hate the word panties, too. Ugh xP

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Actually i where different things

Sporty~ girl boxers

Trendy~ regular panties

Girly~ lace panties

Diva~thongs (sorry)

Me um... I wear "PANTIES" ^_^

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I wear underwear. Rarely do I wear my girl boxers o.o;

There's a brand called "girl boxer" in Aus ;)

I wear panties (they look like girl boxer briefs) but during summer i wear cotton boxer short, erm... things to bed

I am the biggest tomboy you will ever meet so that means,I have more boxers that *snicker* panties.>< BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!><

Panties seems like such an odd term. I won't go into detail.

Boxers, I'm not sure why. You kinda just grow out of the underwear phase.

Well, atleast around here, you do.

No, not all girls wear panties you pig!

I wore boxers until I was 13 years old. Now, when I'm not on my period, I don't even wear underwear.

Sometimes I don't wear underwear even when I'm on my period.

Let freedom reign! dang the man do whatcha waweeenttt


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