Bex's Tama Log!


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Well, because my tamas were paused and put on Set throughout the week, not much has happened. Both tamas left their babies, and they are both teens, my Entama just evolved yesterday. My Entama is in 5th generation, and my Akai in second! I also now have the snack tree, but I don't know how to use it B) .

Also, my v2 died, :unsure: ! Just yesterday, as an adult (it evolved a while ago)! I tabbed it up with the tab from my Akai, (all my other tamas are on Pause or Set, accept my Angelgotchi which is tabbed, my Morino which is batteryless, and my flame v1 which is at the screen where you set the time, date and birthday.

My grandparents sent the v3 on Thursday! (I'm not sure what time they did it American time), but it should arrive early next week! Yaaaaaayyys!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well anyway, I'm going to get Mum or Dad to help me visit Tama Town (the Japanese one) again, so I can buy some more items... :wacko: !

Seeeeeya! Bex.

:gozarutchi: !

My Akai just beeped, the long beep I was dreading...

It beeped quite a lot in the last hour or so, but nothing seemed to be wrong with it...the signs didn't look good, and just now, it was on it's death bed...I had to reset it!

I haven't yet made a new baby, I might put my Akai away for a bit and take out a v1 or 2...I'm deciding now.


Well, I did actually make a new baby on my Akai, who is currently a teen (?). I thought I heard it evolving this morning, but that might have been another tama.

Last night some family friends came over (they have v3s)! I got a good look at the v3s, they have the same sort of arial as the Akai. They also have more food and snack options, and the treats are in the snacks (I think). The shop has 7 codes, and sometimes has sails. Also, the games are:

Musical note catching(like the Keitai), it gets it when it's a baby

Bump (exactly the same), it gets it when it's a child

Flag (you have to press a certain button (either left or right) when it shows the white flag, and the opposite button when it shows the black flag, but it will swap the flags from side to side, and you have to not press anything when you see the smaller flags, and press both when it shows both flags), kinda like Simon Says, I think there are 10 round, it gets this when it's a teen

Heading (exactly the same accept you get 400 points if you win), also gets this when it's a teen

Sprint (don't know about this one coz they didn't have it yet), gets this when it's an adult

Memory (apparently this is like Dance sorta but I don't know either), also gets this when it's an adult.

We went on Tama Town (the English one) for a bit, the Japanese Tama Town is way better though.

There are *a lot* of new characters though, and you can view your family and donate points to the Gotchi King, like in the Entama and Keitai kinda.

Also, the tamas can actually verse each other in games like Flag and Bump, I think. They can also visit each other. It's kind of disappointing though, a version 3 can't connect with a version 2, it can only connect with it if you put the version 2 on "version 1". Lol! If that makes sense.

I also took out all my other tamas (accept for my deceased v2, the flame v1 and the Angel and Mori), just for last night when we had a huge tama party.

My v1 was also going to mate with Frannie's v2, but we didn't get the chance to mate them :lol: .

Anyway, I'd better go have breakfast! Seeya! Bex.

Sorry if you don't like people posting but, I just wanted to say you have a great log! :p :lol: Also, how do you get to the japenese tamatown? :eek:

No, I don't mind a bit! :D ! Glad to see people still like reading them. Lol!

Yesterday evening, Dad came home with a package...! I was so excited! You guessed it, it was my v3! I took it out, stood, as I usually do, with the the insulating tab between two fingers, the tama in the other hand, and paused for a moment before pulling it out! A little girl hatched...I set my username to Becca (it would only allow 5 letters), and named my little girl Angel. She's a tama wiht little ears (or rather, was as a baby). I attempted (unsuccessfully) the musical note catching game, and then she went to sleep and evolved! I played some bump.

The health metre is exactly the same, but the treats are in the snack option. There are four meals and four snacks to choose from, like the Keitai/akai/Entama sorta. Toilet is the same, and in the fourth option there are:

Games-6 of them


Shop-still only have one code-the cake!

Passwords-to input into your tamagotchi.

Suveneers-from tamatown!

Connecting I've already explained!

Praise and punish exactly the same.

Sickness the same.

Lights the same.

Now in the 9th option, there are still friends and presents, but there's also family, and you can donate to the king!

That's about it for now...I've bought some weird cap thing that made Angel fish or something for a while, I dunno what it was... I love how the case is so new and sleek!

My Entama is now an adult, and has over 200 points in Osher and Cashakosa, and over 100 in Yashisa due to guts items!

My Akai is a teen, and my v1 has a baby girl.

Better go! SEeya! Bex.

Nore news! My Entama is *now* an adult, before I thought it was and it was actually a teen! Lol! She took her job test today, got accepted for the first try (dunno what she is), lol!

My v3 is going well, she is now a teen (a star!).

My v1 should leave it's baby soon too


SEeya! Bex.

Yay! I found out on the v3 growth chart in the useful links section of tama talk that my v3 is a Pirororatchi or Piroriroratchi or whatever it's called! Lol!

My Entama can officially have a baby now, I tried the marriage temple but rejected the partner offered. Lol! I want to collect some more points from the wrok that my Entama does before I let him/her go back to Tamagotchi Planet! And I've discovered what my Entama is! A Tosakatchi! Yaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy!

My v3 should evolve any time now, I bought her two potplants but one gave her an ugly face and one gave her a flower. No points :huh: .

And yesterday I went out to Emily's house and then we went out to dinner, and I forgot to give her back her American v2 (which she doesn't care about that much anyway)! Lol! It was in a lowish generation (for hyper speeding) and I sent all the items to other tamas to give back later, so I reset it and have been having some fun with it! :huh: Lol! was really weird! Before I reset her tama (which I did at home), I hypersped my American v2 until it had left it's baby girl and she was a Marumimitchi, and I gave them both the love potion and they kissed...but then, I went to play a game straight away, but...instead of playing a game, they mated straight away! Weird! :(

Seeya! Bex.

Sorry about the long absences from posting, I'm just really busy with highschool and work and stuff at the moment, so my tamas aren't evolving and getting babies etc as quickly as usual, because they're on set and pause a lot. I have been bringing my v3 to school a little bit to make it evolve quicker, (Oh, by the way, I found that she's actually a boy not a girl! or was).

Anywayy, my v3 mated with Emily's v2 on Tuesday or Wednesday, a girl...who I named Faith. Faith is now a child, she has tonnes of points (I've tried out Sprint and Memory, busted them both too)! She also has:

Two caps, three pencils, two balls, a bow tie, two bows, both RC cars, the costume, the stuffed animal, a pair of shoes, a boombox (the tune is so cool!), some makeup which her father wouldn't use (lol no wonder!) and that's about all I can remember!

My Entama got a baby! I finally said yes a couple days ago, and now the baby is a child...named it this morning too! My Entama visitted TamaTown a couple days ago too, and got a pod thing! Lol! Must be some kind of snack or meal or cooking item... My Entama has stacks of points too, over 30000 because of all the points it's been receiving and because of all my gameplaying! Yay!

That's bout it for now, seeya! Bex.

Sorry about the long absences from posting, I'm just really busy with highschool and work and stuff at the moment, so my tamas aren't evolving and getting babies etc as quickly as usual, because they're on set and pause a lot. I have been bringing my v3 to school a little bit to make it evolve quicker, (Oh, by the way, I found that she's actually a boy not a girl! or was).

Anywayy, my v3 mated with Emily's v2 on Tuesday or Wednesday, a girl...who I named Faith. Faith is now a child, she has tonnes of points (I've tried out Sprint and Memory, busted them both too)! She also has:

Two caps, three pencils, two balls, a bow tie, two bows, both RC cars, the costume, the stuffed animal, a pair of shoes, a boombox (the tune is so cool!), some makeup which her father wouldn't use (lol no wonder!) and that's about all I can remember!

My Entama got a baby! I finally said yes a couple days ago, and now the baby is a child...named it this morning too! My Entama visitted TamaTown a couple days ago too, and got a pod thing! Lol! Must be some kind of snack or meal or cooking item... My Entama has stacks of points too, over 30000 because of all the points it's been receiving and because of all my gameplaying! Yay!

That's bout it for now, seeya! Bex.

Woops! Didn't mean to post twice!

Wo, it's been a while since I've posted! Well, my v3 evolved into something weird and got a baby! I've been buying lots of stuff, I now have a mirror, building blocks, a t-shirt, an RC toy, weights (two sets, I got one from a chest)!, the doll and I did have a ticket but I accidentally used it and had to write down the password quickly before it went away! Also, last night we went out with the same friends as the ones who came with us to Singapore (the ones with v3s), and Fran and I spent a lot of time changing the times for more shop items! Fran gave me a CD for my boombox, but it broke it! :( ! I also got about 1400 points from genies, but my tama got mad from a chest! I didn't get any pionts from the potplants I got.

Also, my Entama's baby is an adult, has a kindness job and over 35000 points! And s/he finally has the trampaleen!

My mori has batteries now! :D it's in the baby stage, only just restarted it.

My v1's baby is now a teen which should evolve any day now!

And now for the best part of all! I topped the state in my speech and drama exam last year (but we only found out this year), so now I'm getting an Osu Mesu pair! Woot! My Mum got it from Jason's Store for a very reasonable price! I was eyeing a devilgotchi, a santagotch or another Entama, but when I saw the pair I had to get it! Lol!

Oh, and Emily's tamas all need battery changes! Lol!

Seeya! Bex.


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